Monday, September 23, 2019

This One's For You

You’re Favourite Drink’s our subject and I really must admit
My favourite drinks have morphed around. And not a little bit.
When I was young a chocolate milk would satisfy my wants,
And was the first thing ordered when we hit the restaurants.

From there, I guess I’d have to say that soda pop became
The chosen drink at movies or when cheering at the games,
In orange, grape or lime the flavours all would satisfy,
With na-tur-al ingredients (not one additive or dye).

Then Mountain Dew took over and I couldn’t wait to see
Who bottled it: from Ann and Bill to Harriet and Zee.
It claimed that it would ‘tickle yore innards’. So this I will state,
It seemed to make the grade and Wow! It tasted really great!

I must admit about that time, I started mingling things,
Discovered brand new tastes that mixing orange pop could bring,
Before you try to guess, I’ll take this time to clarify,
Swamp Water’s made with root beer—goes with Teen Burgers and fries!

From Seven-Up which took a hefty portion of my wealth,
I moved to fresh, fruit juices and their claims of ‘improved health’,
The juice of vegetables then beckoned. I was so surprised,
That I was drinking something I, in younger years, despised.

And now I stick to water. When I do, then nothing hurts.
And bodily functions can’t be weighed in ‘small’ or ‘mega’ hurtz.
No extra shots are needed from a glass or in the vein,
And no one bothers me or asks my actions to explain.

But . . .
I must admit that if I had my ‘druthers’, I would choose,
Another drink with calories, and not a hint of booze,
And strange enough, the one I loved from birth, now to my grave
Has followed me Full Circle. Again chocolate milk’s my fave!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts. Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have posted poems for you to see.
Please go. See what my friends have done.
I'm sure it will be lots of fun!
So now you've seen what we have brought.
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Thanks so much for the topic, Jenny! This was such fun!

Next week to celebrate Mud Pack Day,
We'll tackle 'beauty' in our own way!


  1. I love chocolate milk too, although drink tons of water. Need it more as I get older. Sigh.

    1. Me, too. I think the percentage of me that is water increases with every year. Glub.

  2. My husband drinks Mountain Dew every day but I can't stand it. I'm a tea drinker (iced) I am from the South and can make the best batch of sweet tea east of the Mississippi River! I have a secret ingredient...baking soda! (Rena)

  3. Water here. And chai tea. And occasionally a glass of festive bubbles.

    1. I pretty much have to restrict myself to water. The benefits far outweigh missing the sugar in everything else!

  4. One bottle of MtnDew was bottled by Bud and Irma, my parents' names. My favorites are Diet Snapple and a sparkling water. Oh, old age.

    1. Ha! You're famous! I remember the first time my dad gave me a sip of sparkling water. I nearly brought it right back up again. Now it is one of my favourites! Yep. Old age...

  5. Some parts of getting older are a royal pain!

    Oh, cold chocolate milk! Mmmm. Have one for me, Diane :)

  6. Water and coffee and sometimes tea, but i must admit i've not had a chocolate milk in years. Maybe i need to remedy that soon.

    1. Every time the Grands are over, we go through gallons! And I sneak some...

  7. My favourites are sparkling water and plain, but spring water, not from the tap. Our tap water is hard and doesn't taste nice to me and made me queasy as a child.

    1. Ugh. I can totally understand tap water not appealing. Ours was sulphur. Yow!

  8. Chocolate milk was the favour of my youth as well, but water was always a runner up. The first thing we did on returning holme from a holiday was to let the tap water run for a little time and then drink to our heart's contents. Nothing ever tasted better.

    1. Nothing beats good, clear water when you're thirsty!
      Or at other times, either!

  9. I missed your Monday poetry. Glad you are back and Me too! Chocolate milk was such a treat, one I never ever had at home but only at friends' homes. It has been decades, maybe I should give it a try!

    1. Do it, Haralee! The memories it brings back! I remember Mom never letting me make it strong enough. When she wasn't around...


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