Monday, October 14, 2019

Full Bucket

I don’t have money, I’m not rich,
But still, I have a bucket list.
There’s nothing daring, none risqué,
No scores to beat, no games to play,
I don’t need danger, cash rewards,
And only things I can afford,
So each takes time (to save some cash),
So nothing quick and nothing rash,
You’re won-der-ing what we could do,
With all those guidlines, plus a few,
Well, think no more how it could be,
We’re on a shoestring, him and me,
Yes, I tell you, it can be done,
And still will be a lot of fun.
We find the least expensive lair,
Clean and comfortable’s all I care,
The least of very costly meals,
We search the bargains and the deals,
And so we’ve managed, guy and girl
To see a lot of this old world.
This week, has been the very best,
I’ve crossed the top one off my list,
Yes, dear old Venice topped them all,
I got to see. I had a ball!
I floated in a gon-dol-a,
And climbed some church’s cup-o-la,
Saw famous art to drop the jaw,
With sculptures, hist’ry, opera,
And still our group was not done yet,
Just how much better could it get?
We watched them manufacture glass,
And tucked into some fine sea bass,
We’d navigate by public mode,
Got used to floating as we rode,
And watched gondolas slip on by
Like eels beneath Venetian skies,
(One thing to know, it’s hard to sleep,
With boats to count, instead of sheep,)
We spent each day from dawn to dark,
Explored from Roma to St. Mark’s...
Now as we leave, I’ve got regrets,
There’s nothing that beats this, I bet,
Somehow, I think I won’t quite leave,
Something will help me as I grieve,
Things aren’t bad as they might seem,
I’ll see the Grand Canal in dreams.

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With POETRY we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts, perhaps a grin?
So all of us, my friends and me
Have written poems for you to see.
Please go see what my friends have done,
You’ll be so glad. It will be fun!
And now you’ve seen what we have brought...
Did we help? 
Or did we not?

Next week we’re back to Jenny’s bit,
We’ll talk of SOAP, my favourite!


  1. Oooo, I wondered where you'd got to this time!! From the sound of your poem, you had a wonderful visit :)

    I don't know if I could enjoy Venice, with my fear of drowning!

  2. Wonderful poem, wonderful city, wonderful pictures. Good old Venice. Shoes ... ? I don't know what to say.

  3. Diane, MotherOwl spotted that we used "shoes" already - in its place, I've chosen SOAP as next week's topic instead :)

  4. Great retelling of that glorious event!
    I'd go for soap.

  5. Love the pictures and it sounds like a great time in rhyme!

  6. Venice would be lovely, i've been to other parts of Italy, but never there. Your poem is such fun, too!


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