Monday, October 7, 2019


The little boy, with pens and glue,
And sheets of paper, old and new,
Decided he would make a friend,
Who’d be with him until the end.

(Of course you know that little boys,
Soon tire of their made-up toys,
And that this thing which he then made,
Would be forgotten. Or mislaid.)

But I’m a little bit ahead,
I first should tell you what he did,
He made a little paper man,
With suit and tie and business plan.

He played a while with his new friend,
With deals to make and bucks to spend,
But then, as kids will often do,
He laid him down and said, “Adieu.”

And so the little paper man
With suit and tie and business plan,
Was lonely and a wee bit scared,
For single life, was unprepared.

And day by day, he simply stayed,
Upon the shelf where he’d been laid,
But secretly, he hoped that he,
Would find someone, a friend to be.

But months went by and dust accrued,
The paper man grew more subdued.
The maid, when gathering trash, did take,
He thought his paper heart would break.

Then in the dark and in the bin,
He finally thought that he’d give in,
No way that he’d find someone now,
His doom was seal-ed anyhow.

And then the maid came back again,
With paper trash for dumping in,
She tossed a handful, closed the door,
All’s quiet as it was before.

“H-hello?” a voice said, near his knee,
“Is someone there? I cannot see!”
And paper man’s small paper heart,
Near tore his paper chest apart.

“I’m here,” he said, but softly spoke,
So as not to frighten other folk,
“Oh, thank you!” the small voice replied,
“You can’t imagine how I’ve cried!”

“I was as glad as I could be,
“When playing with my Mel-o-dy.
“But of paper dolls, she soon grew tired,
“Now in the trash can, I’m retired.”

“Well I’m here now, please don’t be scared!
“I’ll be your friend,” the man declared.
“I, too was simply thrown away.
“I’m glad you’re here. You’ve made my day!”

I know you think there wasn’t much,
That they could do as trash and such,
But there’s a moral here you see,
For everyone. Plus you and me.

It doesn’t matter where you live,
How rich you are, how much you give,
With lots or few days till the end,
Life’s just better—with a friend!

Mondays to get knocked a lot,
With Poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts. Perhaps a grin?
So all of us together, we,
Have posted poems for you to see,
Please go, see what my friends have done,
I’m sure it will be lots of fun!
And now you’ve seen what we have brought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Our Jenny gave our ‘Paper’ theme,
Next week’s my turn to give the ‘meme’,
I’ll be away, but I won’t miss,
We’ll talk about Our Bucket List!


  1. Absolutely. And I'm glad to have you as one of mine.

  2. You have brought a little tear to my eye, Diane. I loved my paper dolls and yet . . . I don't have them now. They, too, were thrown away at some point.

    D'you know, I nearly wrote about them too. Wouldn't that have been a fun coincidence!

    Our bucket list - wonderful topic!

    1. As soon as you said 'paper' I knew what my poem would be. I loved paper dollS! Really the only kind I played with at any length. I'll let you in on a secret...when I got them dressed to 'perfection' (my term) I glued everything on! ;)

    2. Now why did I never think of that! lol

  3. I love it and so very true! (Rena)

    1. Friends keep me going, Rena! Thank you for being one of them!

  4. That's sweet, we all do need friends!

    1. I absolutely agree, Mimi! And thank you for being one of mine!

  5. I love your poem and it's true, Life is better with a friend, whether one or many. I remember playing with my paper dolls and tiring of their outfits, took to making my own outfits. I don't recall stopping playing with them, but I did.

    1. You clever girl! I never got that creative.
      I still cry when I hear the song, 'Puff, the Magic Dragon'. And think of all the toys I abandoned over the years!

    2. The Toy Story movies really got me in the feels! ;)

  6. I love your paper man...and I probably would love that little boy too. :)



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