Monday, November 25, 2019


The prairies are a wondrous sweep
Of golden grains or grasses, deep,
And there, on any clear-ish nights,
A vast and velvet space—no lights,
Where darkness is so deep and soft,
And none but stars up there. Aloft.
But when the work has kept me late,
Out in that dark, as I relate,
And when I’m finally headed home,
Determined nevermore to roam,
There’s not a sight so sweet to me,
As lighted windows that I see.
And as I move from dark to light,
From cool to warm and blind to sight,
I know that family will be there,
And warmth and love and daily fare...

The years have passed, the city now,
Embraces all. My needs endow.
But still on darkish nights when I,
Must be about, our needs supply,
There’s nothing quite like heading home,
Determined nevermore to roam,
And not a sight more sweet to me,
Than lighted windows that I see.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
Have crafted poems for you to see,
And now you've read what we have brought,
Did we help?
Or did we not?


  1. We don't travel much - except when we have to. But it is always a great relief to see the house and drive into the garage and know that all is well.

    Now, about a light in the window. If I saw a light in a window upon arriving home from a trip .... I would be screaming at my husband, "You left the lights on! And you probably left the water running too! And most likely you forgot to turn the A/C down."

    Thank goodness most of our trips are down to the grocers and back. And peace is maintained.

    1. Bwahahaha! I can totally hear this conversation in my head. Who left those lights on?!

  2. Oh the joy of a lighed window announcing the pleasures of home and hearth. I love your poem.

  3. A lighted window is truly a beacon of warmth and safety for folks who have a happy home to return to. The glow is very comforting!

    1. I totally agree! I also love coming to a lighted city at night. Just seems...welcoming, somehow.

  4. Seeing a light in the darkness is a comfort for anyone has wandered.

  5. Yes.
    Looking out, looking in, windows can indeed be a comfort.

    1. I totally agree! I was looking at some pictures from one of my students presently living in Madagascar. He was visiting a family in their tiny, windowless hut. They looked totally happy. I looked for the windows...

  6. How lovely and true! It is a great to see lights on in your own home returning from wherever

    1. Isn't it the truth, Haralee? I feel warmed just looking at them!

  7. It's just my husband and me now, but I leave the lights on when I know we'll be returning at night. Just something about a dark house greeting you. Ugh.

    1. So true! Even the outside lights on are better than coming to a dark, silent house!

  8. Oh, you captured that beautifully! No lights shine so well as those of home.

    1. And you said it so beautifully! I love those lights of home!


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