Friday, December 6, 2019

A Bunny of a Hunny

I admit it.

I call my Husby names.
Maybe I should explain . . .
Husby was serving on a church committee with several other men.
One of whom worked as a police detective in his real life.
Tough guy to the world.
Sweet and kind underneath.
It was evening. After supper but not yet bedtime.
The phone rang.
I answered.
What followed was, to me, a fairly mundane conversation.
“Hi, Diane. Is Grant there?” I recognized the voice of our friend, the police detective.
“He is! Would you like to talk to him?”
“Just a moment!” I turned and hollered - okay, yes, I do that - “Honey Bunny!”
Grant answered from somewhere in the bowels of the house.
“You're wanted on the phone!”
He appeared and took it from me. “Hello?”
There was a pause. Then, “Are you a Honey Bunny?”
I saw my Husby's face turn slightly pink.
Here was his good friend, the policeman.
Tough guy extraordinaire.
What should he say?
He looked at me, rolled his eyes and grinned. “Yes,” he admitted finally.
His friend laughed. “Good,” he said. “So am I.”
Even the most unlikely . . .


  1. Next you'll be taking him into stores and telling him to hold your purse?

    1. Ummm . . . oooh . . .
      We were visiting a museum on our recent holiday. Standing outside the door of the women's room was a thirty-something man, holding a purse and umbrella. I thought he was the cutest thing ever! :)

  2. So cute. I think deep down men like accessing their inner Honey Bunny.

  3. Smiling. Broadly. And wondering how his high and skinniness would respond to becoming a hunny bunny.

  4. That's so cute.Sounds like a couple of Teddy Bears.

    1. Right? Mine certainly visually promotes that idea. The other man in his muscle-bound, police-fitness form? Probably not so much!

  5. "Can't judge a book by its cover" comes to mind :)

  6. My first ex was mostly known as Hey you! The second ex, I called him Troll and he called me Smurf.
    Your hunny bunny certainly looks cuddly enough to be worthy of the name.

  7. The good ones are all hunny bunnies. The not so good ones, i don't want to think about.

    1. Yeah. Their nicknames are probably not fit to print...


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