Monday, December 2, 2019


A hummingbird’s a tiny chap,
Whose minute wings, like lightning flap,
The smallest of the birding world,
Some like a bee with wings unfurled,
Their home is The Americas,
As good a place as ever was,
Specialized nectarivores,
They pollinate the plants by scores.
With wing strokes up to 80 beats
Per second as each deftly eats,
And, holy smoke, their top-est speed
Can 34 miles-per-hour exceed!
And one more thing you'd like to know,
Only they can backward, go.
From Trochilidae family,
Wow! Now you’ve learned a lot from me.
But this is what I’m ‘bout to say,
In my us-u-al long-winded way,
The reason that they’re HUMming birds,
(And this is really quite absurd,)
But according to the reference books,
S’the sound their wingbeats make. Gadzooks!
You have to know, my dad told me,
The actual truth and you’ll agree,
The real reason that they hum,
(And Dad knew everything. And some.)
They hum because those silly birds,
They simply do not know the words!

Cause Mondays to get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we,
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we'll tell you (from our homes)
Our love/hate deal with wretched PHONES.


  1. Awww! That's a much better reason. Thank you for the lesson on the little jewels of the air.

    1. Don't you just love them?! I've seen, like, four in my life. I think they are truly remarkable!

  2. Thanks, information and a chuckle all rolled into one poem :D so nice.

  3. What a great punch line for this week's poem, Diane! I will think of that whenever I see a humming bird from now on :)

    Phones . . . now there's a fertile topic! Excellent :)

  4. I just noticed your label today - I should start using them, too, but it seems like a lot of work to go back and put them on every post. But it would make it so much easier to find things!

    1. I like her pic with all the poetry words to go with Monday!
      Reading blogs (clever ones) makes me want to go back and start my blog all over again. :(

    2. I'm only now getting efficient with labels. Being clever? Now that takes work! ;)

  5. Smiling. And a tad envious of those who can actually see this variety of feathered enchantment.

  6. Someone needs to tell those hummingbirds that they have an option, they can make up the words, like I do.

  7. If only all the things we are supposed to learn could be presented in delightful poems. We would never ever forget the info.

    Who ever forgets a nursery rhyme?
    You are so clever!! I may forget the hummingbird stuff but definitely won't forget you.


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