Monday, December 30, 2019

Never Again

Bob’s party was a hit. And Jack had gladly overdone,
Sampling every drink and having way, way too much fun,
But when the party ended, he knew he'd had too much stout,
So he handed Bob his car keys and on foot, he started out.
He’d stumbled for a block or two, then a cop came from the dark,
And stopped him as ol’ Jack was stumb'ling out across the park.
“’Tis half-past four, and time you were at home and safely bedded.
“Just where have you been, lad?” he said. “And tell me where you’re headed.”
Well Jack just looked at him and tried to straighten up his sight,
But everything stayed blurry, though he tried with all his might.
So finally, he shrugged and gave the cop a painful smile,
“I’m headed to a lecture, sir. And it will take a while.”
“A lecture at this time of night? Well, surely you are kidding!
“Not fun at all, in fact it sounds like it would be forbidding!”
Well, Jackie shrugged and then he frowned a tiny, little frown,
“It’s true, sir,” he protested. “And it’s right here in this town!
“Now I will try to save you from an incorrect conjecture,
Cause I’m really on my way to sit and listen to a lecture!”
The cop frowned, “Who'd give lectures at this horrid time of night?”
Well Jack just shrugged and snorted. “Sir. I'll tell you. It’s my wife!”

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve seen what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week the holidays will be past,
Let's talk of something that goes fast!

I hope you all have a fantastic 2020!


  1. A lecture I hope he pays attention to - and learns from.

  2. We need more lectures.
    I like the to do list. Make Things Better! It's not specific. It doesn't even have to be big. Just look around and do your part. I'm off to do a little dusting. :)

  3. I hope the cop smiled and took him home. He probably had heard that lecture himself.

  4. I was expecting the drunk man to say "from a policeman!" The wife was a good choice...and, I know, exactly right. I would have been ready to give a lecture! Happy New Year to you.

  5. Very clever! Although giving a lecture to a drunk is usually a lost cause. Happy New Year!

  6. And he will go drink again so as to forget, for a while, that he has to listen to her lectures. Ah, but it's a viscious circle!


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