Monday, January 6, 2020


My mom used to write something she called 'crazy rhyme'. It was poetry that rhymed...most of the time.
It drove me crazy.
But today, in memory of Mom on what would be her 96th birthday, I'm trying my own crazy rhyme.
Happy Birthday, Mom!

Oh, and today's theme is "something thats goes fast".

Fast is not a speed I like to go,
In point of fact, I like to take things slow,
But on occasion, I
Have been known to fly,
And look upon the earth way down below.

To get me to a place that's warm and bright,
Ten hours in a plane (from morn till night),
But it's better than (for instance),
If I had to walk the distance,
Cause it would take me roughly a year. Plus finding a way over the water. I mean oh, my word! Am I right?

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With Poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And when you've read what we have wrought,
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Merry Mae

Next week be sure to join us here,
We'll be discussing the Leap Year!


  1. Crazy verse is fun. ... they look a bit like Limericks ;) Happy 96th I hope she smile upon you over these rhymes.

  2. Oh you helped. You definitely helped!

  3. I love rhymes that break out into silliness! Your mom would be proud of you for carrying on her tradition :)

    Yep, walking to a vacation spot would definitely cut down on the distance I'd be willing to go, too!

  4. Smiling. Fun and silliness are ALWAYS welcome.

  5. Diane, Always love your poetry. Hope you put a book of it together sometime!

  6. I am glad you reached your warm place safely.
    And glad you made time for a little silliness. :)

  7. Fun! It is always to smile at the thoughts and words.

  8. So that's where you got your talent (i suspected as much, you've written so much about your parents i know they were amazing). Happy Fun In The Sun to you!


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