Monday, February 17, 2020

Ol’ Blue

A horse much better  than the rest, Ol’ Blue,
Although you’d have to look for it, it’s true,
Cantankerous as a horse could be,
Would often hide out in the trees,
And even take a nip at me,
Ol’ Blue.

She had no mane or tail to speak of, Yikes!
Nothing to grab if tragedy should strike,
It made her trash for swatting flies,
Nothing to comb or braid with ties,
But grooming was an easy prize, 
I liked!

A saddle she would not accept, the pill,
And so I rode her bareback o’er the hills,
No saddle horn to dally to,
So when we’d chase the calves so new,
I had to get creative, whew!
What thrills!

The hours I spent up on her back, to ride,
And o’er the waving prairie grass, we’d glide,
Even to the wind and rain resigned, 
We’d do the work that Dad assigned,
Our corner of the ranch aligned,
With pride.

I’m sad she’s long gone from my life, Ol’ Blue,
She was a scamp, but a good companion, true,
She was my blue-haired friend for life,
Her leaving cut me like a knife,
I’ll see her in the afterlife,
My Blue.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts...
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we,
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought,
Did we help?
Or did we not?


  1. I have only ridden a horse (no, I think it may have been a pony) but my best friend loved riding horses. Keep in mind I grew up in New York City but yes, there are places there you can ride. Old blue is the same "grey" that blue chickens are and I love that color. I wonder, if I had grown up on a ranch, if I would have loved horses. It's an interesting thought.

  2. Ol' Blue looks like a great horse! And while I am not much for poetry, you expressed the love of a companion so well!

  3. Ol' Blue sounds like quite a gal! Funny how different animals stay with us all our lives. Who knows, maybe you will see each other in the afterlife!

  4. For some reason I've always been partial to the misfits among my animal companions . . . Blue and I would have gotten along fine :) I'm impressed with your rhyme scheme this week! Well done!

    The topic for next week is "puzzles", in case you haven't seen it on my blog already :)

  5. Awww. It sounds like she was smart enough not to take any guff and got the work done, a thoroughly good horse. It's so difficult that our animals have such short lives.

  6. Riding Old Blue must have been fun. Enjoy your memories.

  7. A blue horse! I never heard of nlue horses before. A special relationship and a very vivid poem, I liked it, thank you.


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