Monday, March 2, 2020


Poor Gary Gnome was quite a sight,
His hair was never a delight,
In fact, most times it was a fright,
Could hair induce a fight? This might!

So Gary’s friends launched a crusade
By Gary’s hair, they weren’t dismayed,
And certainly, they weren’t afraid,
Cause soon they’d have his hair arrayed.

They bought supplies, shampoo and foam,
Some bobby pins, a brush and comb,
Some perfume in a bottle, chrome,
Then sat him in his chair. At home.

They went to work upon his mane,
Determined it’d not be the same,
Coiffeur-al glory they’d attain,
He’d thank them (when his anger waned).

But when they, first, the comb applied,
Collective eyes were opened wide,
What was it each of them had spied?
Why, Gary’s bald head hid inside.

His head was quite a nice one, true,
There was no fuss, not much ado,
Each to the same conclusion, flew:
Just think what he’ll save on shampoo!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts.
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have posted poems for you to see,
And now you’ve read what we have wrought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we'll have a little fun,
We'll talk of 'sports'. It's being done...


  1. Oh poor Gary, and even more poor Gary's friends. I'm afraid I won't be able to see a garden gnome ever again without thinking of this Monday's poetry.

  2. Poor, poor Gary.
    And thank you for the fun.

  3. What a rude shock for Gary!

    Your very own little gnome - heh heh

  4. Heeheehee! What a fun story, although not for Gary and his friends.

    You've reminded me of a line in "The Barber's Song":
    My daddy doesn't need a haircut at all
    While sitting in the Barber's chair
    Because he's as bald as a billiard ball
    And his hair just isn't there!

  5. Keep it up! Love Syncopation in rhyme!


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