Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Six Forty-One’s

There are many negatives swirling about concerning the Covid-19 Pandemic. And we are right to be concerned. But I was determined to find something positive. And I did. From a woman quarantined with her housing complex in the storm center, Wuhan.

In their pre-pandemic days, she and her husband, schoolteachers, would dart off in the early morning to work. Their children were dropped into the arms of day care workers. Evenings were more bustle. Occasionally they would manage an evening meal together.

Now every day is spent together. They play games together. Eat meals together. Talk. And listen. For the first time, they are getting to know each other. This, to her, is the great blessing of the Pandemic. Time with her family.

Their complex surrounds a large, beautiful courtyard. The formerly great empty space is now filled with people. Neighbours who care for each other. She walks circuits of the courtyard with a next-door neighbour she hadn’t even met . . . before . . .

Every day, the people in her complex order their groceries from nearby stores. The boxes are quietly delivered to the courtyard and the workers quickly disappear. But it doesn’t matter if they have no outside contact. Because they have inside friends.

Even though there is much worldwide fear and uncertainty in our present circumstances, this woman has shown me that we can find the positives in any situation. Even the scariest ones. We just have to slow down and look for them.

Words Counters is a word challenge. Each of us in submits a number, which is then assigned to another in the group. It’s totally challenging. And totally fun!
My number this month, 41, came from my good friend Mimi. Thank you so much!
Want some more Word Counters?


  1. You're right, of course. It's a scary time but it's also a time to practice our humanity.

  2. Love this, Diane. Out of this craziness, there is always hope and goodness.

  3. That's lovely! Thank you. Very stressed in NYC, need good stories and stories of good.

  4. I totally agree with the heroine of your sentences. Well written.

  5. It is a time of uncertainty and we can complain or make the best of it. With my husband home, we talk, watch tv, read, play games, just relax. Catching up on household and yard chores. It is a blessing we can and want to be here with each other.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  6. How true it is.
    Thank you for the reminder.

  7. It's lovely to read of little communities within communities that look out for each other.


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