Wednesday, March 11, 2020

When Lion’s Bad

The small boy and the minister looked gravely at each other,
“Today,” the man said firmly, “We’ll talk lyin’, Little Brother.”
The small boy nodded at him, though he looked a bit unclear,
“Don’t worry!” smiled the man, “We’ll make confusion disappear!”
“Okay,” the small boy whispered, “But will this take very long?”
“It’s important,” said the minister, “So that you learn right from wrong.”
The boy sat down across from him and nodded his small head,
“Father Bryon, let’s begin.” Said Father, “Okay, Ned.”
“Now, firstly, son, can you tell where it is you go for lyin’?”
The small boy simply stared at him. “Of course, old Father Bryon.”
“Well tell me, son, I’d like to know.” The little boy said, “Bah!
I know that one, silly! Everyone knows: Af-ri-ca!”

With Karen it all started and, through her, it carries on,
This monthly ‘poem’ ritual and resulting liaison,
So if you’ve enjoyed my contribution, just you wait and see,
The poems that my writing friends have all now brought to be!
Karen of Baking In A Tornado: In the Den
Dawn of Spatulas On Parade: Lions Galore 1, 2, 3, 4


  1. If lying could actually get me a free trip go Africa, I'd have to admit to having been there a time or two!

  2. So cute. I love the minds of children.

  3. Those sneaky homonyms! I hope that got straightened out eventually :D

  4. The innocence of children. Cute
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  5. Oh, the innocence of children. And that's no lyon.

  6. Exactly logical! You write it up so well, too.


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