Monday, March 30, 2020


A large, prestigious college had a large, prestigious hall,
And through its doors came visitors. It welcomed one and all,
A bright, brass plaque was fixed o’er where the people walked each day,
Upon it clearly written the hall’s name of Hemingway.

There one day came a man, (a tourist and a writer, too)
Who took a tourist’s glee in all the rooms that he went through.
Who clapped with pleasure when he saw that name upon that plaque,
“Why, Hemingway’s my favourite!” said the man. (Let’s call him Jack.)

“As a fellow writer, I have read most everything he wrote,
“And don’t tell anyone, but he’s my favourite man to quote!
“It says something for your school that you would name a hall just so,
“I simply must explore before it’s time for me to go!”

His guide said, “Jack, I am afraid that you’re mistak-en be,
“This hall was not named for your Ernest, I must make you see,
“Though, yes by the name ‘Hemingway’ this hall is quite well known,
“You have to know it’s ‘Joshua’ who claims the name his own.”

“Joshua!” our Jack exclaimed. “Was he a writer, too?
“And was he a relation of the man that we all knew?”
“Though Hemingway’s his name, a tie to Ernest? Not a spec,
“And yes, he was a writer, for, to us, he wrote a check!”

Cause Monday’s do get knocked a lot,
With Poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see,
And now you’ve read what we have wrought,
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we’re all here anyhow,
Let’s talk of Things that Scare Us now.

And now for some funnies!


  1. Money talks and in that case it said 'Hemingway'.

  2. Yes, there's probably not a college around without a library or hall named after a generous donor!

  3. Money has an incredible amount of power in so many areas. Not least naming.
    Love your funnies, and I do wonder whether the good ship Normal sails empty. I suspect she does.

  4. Hehe, what a writer, but yet an important writer for the school.

  5. Heeheehee! Yep, i've been around universities enough to see it happen. Fun poem, and thanks for the laughs!

  6. Money speaks as much as writing does! Love the funnies - thank you for those.

    Things That Scare Us - excellent topic, Diane!

  7. Hemingway made a knife-cut in writing way back then.

    The funnies were excellent.


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