Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Throughout his life, he’d heard the game of baseball was the best,
And so the border, he would cross, and he’d judge with the rest,
So from his Tijuana, he crept softly through the night,
And fin’lly stood outside the Padres’ home in evening light.

He tried to buy a ticket, sadly none were to be had,
He stood a while outside the doors, feeling rather bad.
But then he saw a flagpole jutting o’er the field wall,
And so he shinnied up it—and from there could see it all!

Later, back at home, his family pestered him for facts,
What he thought and what he saw and how he did react,
Well that young man just smiled as he started in to tell,
Brim full of his adventure that he thought went very well!

He said, “I loved it, every bit. I am so glad I went.
“I can’t think of a better time I, in my life, have spent.
“You have to know right off,” he said, “The most amazing thing,
“Was when 50,000 voices made me feel just like a king!”

His family stared. “What could you mean? They all knew you were there?”
He nodded. “And before the game, they sang it out with flair!”
“Si, all the people sitting stood and faced me o’er that wall,
“And sang out, ‘Jose, Can you See?’ Concerned I watch it all!”

The theme for this month's challenge, well, it's Flags, I'm sure you know,
And now I hope you'll read the rest. Have fun! And off you go!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Flying High
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Flags, flags, and more flags


  1. I tried and tried to guess how that was going to end, but nope, you took me by surprise again. Thanks for the laugh on a day when I really needed it.

  2. Really thought that was going a different direction ;) Cute.

  3. So funny! Glad that Jose had a great time (even if it's not true).

  4. Hah! Great play on words, and - as ever - masterfully pomed! lol

  5. Haha, this was a funny story and well turned into poetry as well. Thank you for brightening my day.

  6. Heeheehee! You take things that could be considered stale and make them shine.


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