Monday, July 20, 2020

Small But Mighty

If you could be an animal, what is it you would choose?
A lion with his heavy mane, a sloth who likes to snooze?
Perhaps a horse who runs so fast, a monkey in a tree?
How about a dolphin playing games of tag at sea?
Mayhap a shaggy bear? They eat most everything that’s seen--
Go sleep the cold months all away and wake up really lean!
Sometimes, I think a great gazelle, cause they run really fast,
Or perhaps a spotted cheetah, watch me as I blow right past!
An eagle flying overhead and looking down on all?
Would you choose an elephant? Or something rather small?
Now here’s the point that I would make: A bug’s not on the list,
At the bottom of the food chain, they’re the ones that just exist,
Look at all the ants, we humans see them as a pest,
And do the things we can to kill or tear apart their nests,
Getting squished or poisoned if they stray beyond their grounds,
Trying hard to live their lives where they cannot be found.
Is it any wonder that an ant I would not be?
I’m sure you see my point and likely with me you agree…
But here’s a thought I had not factored in the very least,
Thought the ant is very small, he is a hearty beast,
And every one can carry ‘most a hundred times their weight,
In food and lots of yummy stuff, to put upon their plate,
And then the thought struck me: In food, a HUNDRED TIMES MY WEIGHT?
I’ll be an ant. Stand back! I’m heading for the choc-o-late!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

 Next week it's 'leaves' for those who care,
Good-bye for now, we'll see you there!


  1. Heeheehee! Well done! While i have a great respect for "nature's vacuum cleaners," which is what ants really are, i am still not sure i would want to be one. Have a great Monday!

  2. Even for this superpower I would not be an ant. But a lovely poem you wrote.
    PS: of course I'd like to be an owl!

  3. Ha ha! I feel like I already eat 100 times my size in food, especially chocolate!

  4. Mmmm ... now that's a good point :)

  5. I used to love watching ants when I was young (and the sky). I've gone back to watching the sky. Ants, not so much. They annoy me when they invade my house. But outside, where they belong? Well, maybe I should.

  6. The only ants that bother me over here are flying ants which tend to be more aggressive. I find ants fascinating to watch as the always seem so energetic and focussed on their goal. Another great poem. A poem about ants that manages to include chocolate - gets my vote!

  7. I love this. Ants will never look the same to me again!

  8. Great poem, but I wouldn't be an ant, just imagine being out on a leisurely search for food and along comes a human with big feet...
    I'd like to be something that lives a long time, like a sea turtle.


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