Monday, August 10, 2020

Over Dreamt

My Mom and Dad on their anniversary...
The day before their thirtieth, a woman woke from sleep,
“I had the strangest dream,” she said. “Twas something really deep.
“A gift box you did give me, to celebrate our day,
“I gave you a kiss, and tore it open right away.
“Inside that box, I looked and found another box. It’s true!
“I smiled and gave another kiss. Just happy ‘twas from you.
“I opened up the second and found there inside a third,
“Though it seemed a little strange, I set to work without a word,
“And there, behold! I found a fourth. (Now this was getting weird!)
“But I was sure it couldn’t be as strange as it appeared.
“So I opened up the fourth and there inside I found a ring!
“A diamond, much more big and bright than any other thing!
“So I’m wondering, my darling, if this dream’s a thing foreseen?”
Her eyes, they sparkled brightly. “And if so, what does it mean?”

That night they went to dinner, just they two, to celebrate,
And as things were winding down, he set a box beside her plate,
Smiling, she opened it and what should be inside?
You're absolutely right, there did another box reside.
And in that box another box, each wrapped so beautifully,
She hated to unwrap them (And you almost would agree!)
Then next she found a fourth box (just exactly like her dream!),
By now her hands were shaking and her eyes were all agleam!
With much anticipation, she tore off the wrapper there,
The contents were surprising, she did nothing else but stare,
Some people seem to heed. But what they hear’s not what it seems…
Inside the fourth box was a book—"HOW TO INTERPRET DREAMS".

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So Jenny, Charlotte, Mimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?


  1. So what's the ending . . . does she let him live?

  2. Probably the greatest gift was that the two of them had each other.

  3. Smiling. And he chose well to give that particular gift in a public place where her words/actions may have been inhibited.

  4. A good fun poem that had me hooked right to the last line. I have to ask - did she laugh or did she sulk?

  5. Now that was one unexpected ending! I'd like to know her reaction after finding the book, too!

    1. Hmmm....restrained. Or like me....

  6. Big oops on his behalf! Unless he did it on purpose, and then it's even worse :)

    Your mother must have been a saint :) (We are talking about your mom, aren't we? Maybe not!)

    1. Oh, I definitely know what my Mom would have done! Brained him with the book! ;)

  7. Somebody is sleeping on the couch tonight!

  8. We are talking about your mom, aren't we? Maybe not!

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