Monday, August 24, 2020


Tomato is a lowly sort,
It’s used for things from food to sports,
And though it’s fruit so edible,
It poses as a vegetable.
And think of all that we would miss,
If this fruit did not exist…
Tomato soups to start us out,
Delicious when it’s cold, no doubt,
And Caesars are a lovely drink,
With salty rim and booze (wink, wink!)
And then we have our sauces, yum,
A million types to please our tum,
We’ve salads, infinite indeed,
And all delicious, we’re agreed,
There’s sandwiches and sweet stuff, too,
There’s nothing that this fruit can’t do,
But when it’s all been said and done,
There’s one more thing that would be fun,
The Tomatina in Buñol, Spain,
I’d love to do it, sun or rain,
Though sometimes banned, it’s still alive,
And going strong since ’45.
Yes, I think it would be a hoot,
To pelt my neighbours with ripe fruit!
And best of all, and what’s most blessed?
Someone else cleans up the mess!
So, as I said, from food to sports,
Tomatoes are a wondrous sort,
And think of all that we would miss 
If this fruit did not exist…

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So Jenny, Charlotte, Mimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought...
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, because I’m out in it,
We’ll talk of NATURE just a bit!


  1. This was such a hoot! God bless the tomato. I use them in EVERYTHING!

  2. LOVE this poem, Dianne. What would we do without tomatoes? The pity is, I've not been successful growing them over the past few years so I didn't bother this year. But how I miss them! Maybe I'll try again next year.

  3. Hilarious! Also love tomatoes, especially at this wonderful, ripe time of year.

  4. That tomato throwing festival sounds fun - if you're not a part of the clean up team. I think your poem is well written, but you only get a "passed" from me this time, you forgot Pizzas!

  5. Smiling. Mind you I would hate to be at that festival. My frugal tomato loving self couldn't cope.

  6. August, for me, is tomato month. I could eat them at least twice a day (wait, I put salsa on a piece of omelet three days a week, so three times a day). I would never go to such a festival. I would cry from the waste of a good tomato.

  7. Going to the Tomatina would be great fun. Loved the poem, and as for Nature, well, i guess i better save it for next week!


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