Monday, September 14, 2020

Sneaky Words

It started out with Dr. Seuss,
And went from there to Mother Goose,
Then Nancy Drew, (clues to deduce),
And any horse tale and excuse.

I loved the mysteries, yes, it’s true,
And romance—some. Well, not a few,
The classics gripped me through and through,
Till Sci-Fi came to my purview.

Distracted when I’d clean or cook,
E’en though I vowed for ‘just one look’,
That’s all it took the get me hooked
To quote my Mom: ‘Lost in a Book!’

But lots of things I did take in,
Some facts and figures, yes, some sins,
Times I’d cry and times I’d grin,
But always magic found within!

But something I can’t say enough,
To whom all books are wondrous stuff,
The what and where of words? Creampuffs!
Pronunciation, though, is tough.

"One way to identify a reader? They know where and how to use a word. They just don’t know how to pronounce it!” *
     *Grant Tolley

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot, 
With poetry we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts?
Perhaps a grin?
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you've read what we have wrought...
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week we've something great in store,
We'll talk about An Ancestor!


  1. YES! Thanks for a laugh. This is exactly how it is - also the pronunciation part.

    1. We readers need to stay together! And mispronounce to our heart's content!

  2. What would we do without reading? Scratch a writer, find a bookworm.

    1. Love your second sentence! I'm a bookwork through and through.

    2. "But always magic found within" - so true! Being a bookworm I thought I'd find Books an easy topic - but not so. The ideas came quickly, but this piece below still needs some tweaking. However, I sometimes don't recognise when enough is enough - so here it is:


      I’ve been reading since the age of three
      If I’m missing I can guarantee
      Somewhere cosy you’ll find me

      My friend is in her kitchen
      Making tea, and I’m just itchin’
      To scan her shelves, my fingers twitchin’
      To peruse her choice of

      My book club friends are noisy, vocal,
      When meeting in our village ‘local’
      A lively dispute is our motto
      When discussing

      My choice of reading ranges
      Across all genres, and exchanges
      Of opinion never change
      My appetite for

      I have reading lists galore,
      Authors and titles by the score
      But I’m always adding more
      ‘Cos I love

    3. No more tweaking needed. You've definitely said all that needs to be said. And very well, too!
      And what can I say but, 'DITTO'!!!

  3. You and Spike's Best Mate have captured what books mean to me, too. Excellent poems!


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