Monday, October 5, 2020

Finally Mine!

A gift, it was, to Mom, from Dad,
To celebrate the life they had,
A painting from one ‘Viski J’
Of horses. Running fast away…

Divinely done, from hooves to jaws,
For me, t’was love when first I saw,
I stared at it for hours on end,
Those gorgeous beasts became my friends.

Sometimes, I joined them in my mind,
Ran to catch up from behind,
And then, with them, we’d run enmasse,
And race each other cross the grass.

Those two in front, sweethearts they were,
Fleeing from both boot and spur,
Their heads together as they ran,
As they stayed far from cruel man.

To say it was my fav-o-rite,
Would not exaggerate one bit.
Told Dad this daughter (not his sons)…
She wanted it when he was done.

And when he moved from large to small,
He had no room for it at all,
And so a gift, from him to me,
As treasured as a gift could be.

And now it hangs upon my wall,
The best horse painting of them all,
Just looking at it makes me glad,
It makes me think of Mom. And Dad.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With POETRY, we all besought
To try to make the week begin,
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
To Jenny, Charlotte, Mimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we'll all have fun, I bet...
We'll talk about someone we've met!


  1. Another lovely poem. I like the sense of real movement in the picture, as if they are going to gallop right off the edge, leaving a bare view. My father bought a painting of an old ship which had links with our family name, Finister. I often wonder what happened to it. When my mother passed away the picture was not around to be passed on to my sister or me.

    1. How sad, SBM! Especially with it being directly connected. What a treasure!
      And thank you for the compliment and for liking my picture!

  2. So beautiful and I love that wonderful painting!

    1. Thank you, Laurie. The only thing I regularly dust! ;)

  3. Lovely. The painting is special and the back story even better.

    1. Thank you so much, EC. I've loved it for so long. I sometimes have to pinch myself to convince me it really is hanging on my wall!

  4. Wow, this is lovely. The painting, the memories. I am sure whenever you look at that painting your life feels in someway complete--with a past that brought you family and love. Thanks for this.

    1. You've hit it perfectly, Beth! My past and my present seem to pivot around that picture!

  5. Wonderful, i know you treasure that painting. My poem was about the ones i treasured most, too.

  6. I hope you have someone to pass this painting on to, someone loving it as much as you do.

  7. You'll have to point out this painting next time I visit. Looks wonderful!

  8. So glad it's yours. Our most treasured belongings are not those we've spent a lot of money on, but those with sentimental value.


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