Friday, October 30, 2020

Partner Perks

I’m old.
He’s a little older.
We’re happy.
When we married, nearly 45 years ago, I looked into his hazel eyes and thought, “All I want to do is grow old with you.”
It’s happened.
We’ve had triumphs: Kids and grandkids. Family. Work accomplishments. Good health. Peace and freedom.
We’ve had tragedies: Kids and grandkids. Family. Work setbacks. Health problems. Disharmony and shackles.
But we’ve shouldered on. Through good times and bad.
Just in case you are thinking, “Oh, my word, is she going to wade through an exposition of My Wonderful Life?” let me reassure you.
You’re not far wrong.
Because this is my usual long-winded way of getting to a story . . .
I’ve hit the wonderyears that we affectionately call mid-life.
Where nothing in my physical self seems to behave the way it used to.
The way it should.
My nights are spent vacillating between shedding and/or cocooning in my blankets. At times, both. As some parts freeze and others parboil.
Last night, I discovered one of the joys of growing older with someone else.
You have to know that Husby and I used to leap happily into bed without doing much more than donning PJs, scrubbing teeth and saying prayers.
Now, our evening routine is a litany of age-defying/life-augmenting practices. Ending with my careful application of wrinkle-reducing face creams and his donning of his sleep-apnea mask.
I must admit – we are quite a sight. Darth Vader meets Slime-Faced girl.
I see a horror movie in there somewhere.
Back to my story . . .
Last night, I was particularly keyed up. Who knows why.
Awake at 3 AM. Music blasting through my mind. Blankets on. Blankets off. Turn to one side. Turn to the other. Blankets on. Blankets off. Face up. Face down.
You’ve totally been there.
Meanwhile, Husby was peacefully snoozing. His machine breathing quietly.
He rolled over to face me, and my poor overheated self was suddenly enveloped in a soft, cooling breeze.
I looked up at the window, but it was as it had been. Not really doing its part to alleviate anyone’s (ie. my) discomfort.
I turned back to Husby. Then I held out a hand in front of his face.
Ah! The lovely little breeze was emanating from the exhaust port in his mask.
I laid back, smiling, and let the cool air get in its wondrous work.
Soon, I was comfortable and cocooned once more.
You have to know that growing older has its drawbacks.
But growing older with someone else yields definite perks.
Plan accordingly.


  1. There really are a lot of perks. Fortunately I got past the hot flash stage quickly. Now I'm well within the "I am always freezing" stage and the extra heat of someone nearby is most welcome. Now, there is the morning routines of trying to get out of bed - worth another post?

    1. Hahahaha! The orchestra of creaks and groans? Oh, yes!

  2. LOL, I can relate to the hot and cold thing. I've been known to turn up the heat while simultaneously turning on the fan.

    1. Oooh. Brilliant! Saves time and effort.

    2. Love this.The perks definitely is what makes it all work.YOU ARE SO DARN FUNNY.

  3. Such a beautiful post about later marriage. We have so many things in common, and wonderful husbands are just one more. Congratulations!

  4. It has happened (more than once) that I have turned the cooling on and himself has snuggled down with his electric blanket turned on high. I hear you on the horror movie as well but this particular one is so familiar than neither of us are frightened.

  5. I don't have a someone, so I sleep with a pedestal fan close to my bed, blowing a breeze at my face which keeps me cool enough to keep the quilt on, with only an occasional foot sneaking out from under searching for colder air.

    1. Mmmm....nice cool breeze. Where ever it comes from, It's delicious!

  6. The room is cold from the fan and sometimes the open window, and my heating pad is nice and warm under my side of the blanket. Amazing how we adapt.

    1. A few years ago, Husby bought me an electric blanket. It saved me on more than one occasion. Now? I can't even imagine it! It sits in the drawer, unused and unloved...


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