Friday, October 9, 2020

The Candy Cupboard

Does this look delicious to you? Yeah, me either . . .
My Mom had a magic cupboard in her bathroom.
It was full of wonderful little bottles.
Intriguing little bottles with funny shapes and beautiful colours.
And with all sorts of interesting contents.
Most of them defied my little three-year-old fingers.
But one twisted off easily.
Disclosing little, white pills.
Okay they didn't taste very good, but they were little.
And melted on my tongue in a fun way.
I had another.
And another.
This was fun!
Mom came in just as I was finishing the bottle.
For some reason, she got quite upset.
She grabbed me and ran to the phone.
For a few seconds, she chattered excitedly.
Then she carried me to the kitchen and set me on the cupboard and hugged me tight.
I didn’t know what I had done that had gotten her so excited, but this was living!
Or not . . .
A few minutes later, a man came into the house carrying a black bag.
He put a tube down my throat.
And Mom let him!
And traumatic.
I cried.
For several minutes, the two of them fought to keep the tube where they wanted it.
With minimal/non-existent results.
Finally, Mom stuck her fingers down my throat and made me gag.
And I lost all of my wonderful little pills.
Um. Ick.
The doctor packed away his horrible tube and left.
I wasn't sad to see him go.
Mom cuddled me for most of the afternoon.
A few days later, I was again exploring Mom's treasure cupboard.
Well, look at that.
A new bottle of my little pills.
I wonder if they will taste any better.
Mom came in a bit earlier this time, but I had still ingested over half of the bottle.
She didn't bother calling the doctor, just used her patented new method to make me bring the pills back up.
This time, I got a scolding.
Moms can be so inconsistent.


  1. You were quite tenacious! God bless your mom.

  2. Are you sure of just how you survived your childhood?

    1. I'm really not, Alana! I figure it was a combination of constant vigil--between Mom and a host of guardian angels! ;)

  3. I hope after the second time MOM is the one who learned a lesson! Three year olds are a bit young to understand, moms shouldn't be. No childproof caps?

  4. How did any of us survive our childhoods?? Aspirin is very scary in an overdose situation, and can be lethal. I worked for a short period of time in a poison center, and they were always medical emergencies.

    1. I think Poison Centres were invented because of children like me!

  5. Ha-ha! My mom had a bottle of baby aspirin--it was pink and the pills tasted sweet. I used to sneak those, too.

    1. See, now 'baby' pills I could totally understand. They were pink and cute and TASTY. Why on earth I would choose the ADULT? Strange child...

  6. Wow, Diane. I'm glad you are still with us!!

    1. Thanks, Beth. Me, too! The result of constant vigil by Super Mom!

  7. You were certainly lucky to have survived.
    I would have done the scolding after the first incident, then put a lock on the cupboard.

  8. My #1 Son had 3 trips to the ER, two trips to the doctor for emergencies, and 8 calls to poison control by his 3rd birthday. Yes, we locked things and tried to keep him out. No, it didn't help.

    It sounds like you had that same adventurous spirit.


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