Friday, November 20, 2020


That wonderful time when two people are starting out.
And learning so much.
For good or bad . . .
June was a happy bride.
Determined to do everything right.
Unfortunately, her mother had also insisted on doing everything right.
Particularly in the cooking department.
By herself.
So June remained untaught.
Willing and eager. But untaught.
Then: Marriage.
And the aforementioned DER (Doing Everything Right).
June asked her new husband what he would like for breakfast.
Pleased, he told her just something simple. A couple of boiled eggs.
“O-kay,” June said doubtfully, wondering frantically how to make a boiled egg.
Determined, she went into the kitchen. Put the eggs in a pot.
Added water.
Good so far.
Now. How long to boil them?
Most cakes take 30 to 45 minutes.
She’d go for the longer time, just to be sure.
And she did.
45 minutes later, she proudly presented her new Husby with her version of The Boiled Egg.
Now, at this point, these eggs would be suitable for such things as:
Perhaps lobbing into enemy territory.
What did Husby do?
He ate them.
With a smile on his face.
That wonderful time when two people are starting out.
And learning so much.


  1. Oh geez. Not that I didn't have some experiences like this in the early days...

  2. Something that used to happen all the time. Which is also why my husband does all the cooking now....

  3. When we moved to a new state for my husband's new job, I got up early and made him a full breakfast. He got out of the shower, looked at the plate and said "I can't eat this big a breakfast." From then on he was on his own.

    1. HA! I tried the same thing! Even made Husby a lunch, which he never ate. That was it for me as well!

  4. I don't know who I feel sorrier for. And have had some cooking disasters of my own. As has my partner.

  5. Well then, he was definitely a keeper :)

  6. Replies
    1. Heehee! For me as well! You should have seen my first pie! :0

  7. Excellent. They have a loving and lasting relationship. Good story.

  8. And this is why all of my children learned to cook. Funny.

  9. Delightful and accurate --at least here 50 years ago-- but things improve, even culinary things. I've added you to my blogroll at "Gardening With Geo.".

    1. Yep. After 50 years, even I improved! :) And thank you for the add!


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