Wednesday, November 11, 2020


My heart was aching, woes amassed,

I’d trauma in my recent past,

So when she called to see if I

Could watch her babies by and by,

I turned her down, while pleading woe,

“Give me a year for good to grow,”

And so she did, and called again,

(I was doing somewhat better, then)

I took her girls, tow-headed pair,

They joined with my kids then and there,

Two families became as one,

Us—family herd, her—single Mom,

I learned from her, she learned from me,

But most, she taught what friends could be.

Sometimes I think of days long past,

When hearts were heavy, woes amassed,

And how I could have turned her down,

Allowed myself—through grief—to drown,

And what I would have missed, if I

Said no, when she, to me, applied,

Through her service, love and ‘time well spent’,

I learned what ‘Friendship’ really meant!


This poem has been an exercise

If, from a theme, we could devise

To craft a poem, both wise and new,

And present our labours here, to you!

So tell us what you really think

Of what we've hewed in pen and ink,

We’d like to hear (if you don’t mind),

Be truthful now. Or else be kind! J

Karen at Baking in a Tornado

Lydia at Cluttered Genius


  1. I can SO relate to this, so many times, harried, I've thought of saying "no" but truth is, the "yes" was never regretted.

    1. That's the best thing. The 'yes's' are never regretted!

  2. I learned from her, she learned from me YES>

  3. We just never know where good friends will come from. I'm glad you said yes the second time.

  4. Such a stirring poem. Sometimes you have to say no until you are ready to say yes.

    1. Isn't it the truth, Rebecca! And then the blessings come!

  5. A lovely poem and a gentle reminder that friendships can be found anywhere if the heart is open.

  6. At least you did finally say yes, and that is the most important part.


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