Monday, November 16, 2020


When I was young, occasionally, My Dad would read the news,

‘Twas mostly for the headlines, but sometimes to just amuse,

He’d tell us of disasters far away from prairie home,

Describing things that made Mom gasp, (made me vow ne’er to roam),

At other times, the things he read were wonderful and bright,

Ironically, convinced me what I wanted was to write,

At times, a po-em, he’d recite, all sober (or carefree),

I came to find a lot he ‘read’ came from his memory,

Once he said Sylvester Forrest passed away, t’was true,

Mom said, “Oh that’s sad, who’s he?” Said Dad, “I’ve naught a clue.”

The best, though, were the stories that got more and more absurd,

Until the punch line—WHAT?—he’d dreamed up each and every word!

He didn’t always have the time, cause chores and work would call,

But if he pulled the paper out, we knew we’d have a ball!

It’s many years since I heard Daddy reading out the news,

A choice ‘tween him and sources now? I know who I would choose,

Those mornings when he’d take a break from riding through the herds,

And duck his head behind those crisp new sheets of printed words?

They were the best in memory. And I’d not make a fuss

If just once more, I’d get to hear Dad ‘read the news’ to us!


Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With POETRY, we all besought,

To try to make the week begin

With pleasant thoughts,

Perhaps a grin?

So Jenny, Charlotte, Mimi, me

Have crafted poems for you to see,

And now you’ve read what we have wrought…

Did we help?

Or did we not?


This week, from Mimi, we had fun,

Talking Newspapers, everyone!

Next week from SpikesBestMate, in rhyme,

We will talk about ‘SHOWTIME’!


  1. Oh, What a totally wonderful thing to do. Your dad was a truly remarkable man. Thanks for a broad smile.

  2. That's such a good poem, and a wonderful gift from your Dad. I'm afraid the 4-line poem I struggled with this week is unprintable. Suffice to say it dwells on 'usefulness' and 'cat litter'! Better luck next week, I hope.

    1. Hmmm...usefulness and cat litter. Interesting choices... ;) See you next week!

  3. I believe I know who I would choose also! I can picture your memory perfectly.

    1. I wish you were there, Rena. I think we would have made marvellous sisters!

  4. Your father sounds so nice and a man of many talents!

  5. You grew up in the best family, didn't you? My Dad would sometimes read a column or two out of the newspaper and I have fond memories of that. It's wonderful to have good childhood memories.

    1. They are the building blocks upon which we form our lives, aren't they, Alana?!

  6. What great fun, to have your dad "read" the news that way. He was remarkable.


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