Friday, November 6, 2020

So Similar Siblings

Three little boys were playing around the cul-de-sac in Camper’s Village.
All three were armed with swords—or variations on a theme.
Their play had ranged through the trees, behind the neighbour’s RV, past the water spigot, through the bathrooms, over the garbage receptacles and ‘not too far now, Amos!’ into the woods that surrounded us.
Over gravelled street, flagged guy rope, thickly-needled path and grassy knoll.
It was this last in which they came to grief.
The three had just achieved their goal—the very tiptop of the evil king’s castle—and were ready to proclaim their justly-deserved triumph when one bumped the other (who knows how these things start?) and the smallest one fell backward onto his little sturdily-covered bottom.
He landed on the ground with a thump and a gasped out ‘****!’.
His startled mother provided comfort and then hurried instruction pertaining to appropriate language for appropriate moments.
A short time later, three small squirrels, brothers or sisters or a combination of the two were playing in the trees in the cul-de-sac in Camper’s Village.
All three were armed with shrill voices—or variations on a theme.
Their play ranged through said trees, our campsite, the neighbour’s campsite, the common area, and at least one stand of thick forest grass.
Over outhouse, parked cars, two sleeping dogs, three picnic tables, one startled camper and up the largest tree.
It was this last in which they came to grief.
The three had just achieved their goal—the very tiptop of the greatest tree—and were loudly proclaiming their triumph when one bumped the other (who knows how these things start?) and the smallest one fell backward onto his furry tail.
He landed on the ground with a thump and a gasped out ‘****!’.
His mother appeared in a nearby tree and chittered at him loudly, noises we campers assumed were words of comfort and hurried instruction pertaining to appropriate language for appropriate moments.

This happened exactly as presented here. Both stories.
Doesn’t it just prove the point: In some ways, we’re—all of us—exactly alike?


  1. Was this based on a certain experience at Crimson Lake...?

  2. Good point. And one that we need to consider in every part of our lives (politics, I'm looking at you!).

  3. Most definitely alike. Much more alike than many of us care to remember.

    1. Now that's true. Have you ever noticed that some flaw in someone else that especially troubles you is a similar flaw in yourself? Maybe it's just me!

  4. So cute. I love the furry mommies who live among us.

    1. Can't you just picture them in their tiny aprons, waving a cake spoon at some errant offspring?

  5. Very true! What a sweet story :)

  6. Oh, yes, very alike. Wonderful story.

  7. Another sweet story! And the image is charming!

  8. Now, that's a laughing tale. Animalmothers can be so like thir human counterparts.


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