Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Blue Christmas

I apologize for the somber tone.
It's been a hard year for all of us.
And for Santa...

You have to know that Santa has been very sad this year,

He hasn’t had his kiddie cuddles and ensuing cheer,

Not a single three-year-old has dived into his lap,

No precious, screaming babies and few gifts to make and wrap!

He misses all the bustle and the ‘hurry up and go’,

He’s trying to make do with lots of tinsel, lights and snow,

But sitting in his chair and gazing at a festooned tree,

Just is not the same without a child upon his knee,

This 2020 has been tough for everyone, it’s true,

But it’s robbed Santa of his kids. That makes him really blue,

When normally, he’d be enclosed by laughter and by love,

The screaming of excitement and the hi-jinks made thereof,

This gentle man who lives to make all children’s eyes shine bright

Just sits beside his tree and reads through these long winter nights,

There’s just one thing that’s positive and doesn’t make him weep,

For the first time in a ‘hundred’ years, he’s catching up on sleep!

I know the kids are missing him as much as he does them,

Missing parties, missing friends (and seasonal mayhem),

So could you pass along his wish for these ensuing days?

That they be happy, safe and well. That’s all that Santa prays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from
Santa and Mrs.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, EC! This year has been especially hard on my Husby. He loves playing Santa so much!

  2. It's even gotten Santa down. We will get through this and celebrate next year.

  3. Santa has seen a lot, and in his wisdom, he knows hard times don't last.

    1. There you go. This, too, shall pass! I just hope it's sooner rather than later! ;)


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