Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Join the Army--Get an Education (Part Two)

 A guest Post by Sergeant Erik Tolley. Part Two

In the infantry, you will be subject to many different forms of violent death, such as getting shot, stabbed, burned, shredded and eating field rations more than twice a day.
The sad thing is, these will all be inflicted by your own troops.
I won't even mention what the enemy will do to you.
Basically, you will be a moving target, which is a lot more fun than a paper target, but a lot harder to patch up afterwards.
You will also get to freeze, starve, sweat, stink, roast, and stay up long enough that you will begin to hallucinate about giant pink bunnies running circles around you singing songs from 'Lion King'.

In the Engineers, you will get to do almost all the same things as in the Infantry, but you will also get to play with explosives.
Powerful explosives.
At least your targets are made out of something stronger than paper.
Unfortunately, the pink bunnies now hum the tune to 'Star Wars'.

In the Armoured trade, you will be able to drive and service large, cool-looking vehicles, often fitted with big guns that make loud noises and wake up the Infantry and the Engineers, if they happen to be asleep, which seems unlikely.
You will also be able to go places that no other vehicle can go, and get stuck in places that no other vehicle could even reach.
Then you send for the Infantry and the Engineers, who are conveniently awake, to come and dig you out, while you sit and play cards.

In the Artillery, you will get to shoot big guns.
If anyone in the Artillery is reading this, please call me and let me know what else you guys do, because there are a lot of people who really want to know.

These are the trades known as the Combat Arms trades. I don't know why they are called this, because practically everyone's arms can be used as weapons.
Oh, well.
I guess that's why I'm in the Army.
If I knew, I'd probably be smart enough to still be a civilian.

To Be Concluded...


  1. Laughing out loud. You definitely have your mom's wry wit and storytelling talents.

  2. Sounds like the Artillery is for me. My son, who loves to fix things, would probably pick Armored (as we say and spell in the United States). My father was an airplane mechanic in WWII but that fixing gene skipped over me.

  3. I like the bit about where you sit around and play cards while someone else digs you out of trouble.

  4. You have a way with words. Even in training exercises, as per my daughter, they keep you awake long enough that you are hallucinating. Not fun, which is why i so admire those who volunteer and serve through the military.


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