Monday, January 11, 2021

Least Favourite

These days, with duty, sure are rife,

It goes along with living life.

The chores that make our happy home

A somewhat clean and safe biome,

Now, mostly, they don’t bother me.

They satisfy my need, you see,

To have things neat and organized,

And make the house feel harmonized!

But though my house is ‘mostly’ clean,

Before I (in your praises), preen,

I have one chore that I admit,

Perturbs me just a little bit.

And this is it, I will confess:

I clean the floors under duress,

It’s true, you heard it here, from me,

My floors aren’t what they’re s’posed to be,

Okay, they’re ‘clean’, I would suppose,

No clutter, trash, no dirty clothes,

But cleaning as I did in youth?

It’s really hard, and that’s the truth!

Please understand my sad dismay,

I guess it’s not the ‘chore’ each day,

That fills me with so much concern,

And makes me for my freedom yearn . . .

Each day to get to bended knee,

The further the floors are from me.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, to honour "Winnie-the-Pooh Day"
We'll all, in our inimitable way,
Talk of him. Or take a look
At a fav'rite' guy from a fav'rite book!


  1. Thank you for this apt poem. Oh yes, the floor is receding. I thought I was the only one noticing. It escalated when I got new glasses with progressive reading zones in the lower half.

    1. Amazing the different worlds our glasses disclose. I’m thinking I want a pair of the rose-coloured ones everyone keeps talking about ! ;)

  2. I have someone come in to clean my house, but with covid . . . let's just say when left to my own devices I'm more neat than clean.

  3. Loved this, especially the word 'biome!' I can so relate. Maybe it's the need for control in this crazy world, but have to have a clean house. Vacuuming and sweeping the kitchen floors? Alas, not so frequently.

    1. Oops.Maybe we shouldn’t become roommates, Laurie! ;)

  4. I do love your mind. And your heart. But your MIND!

  5. This was terrific! I read your comment on another site about a saying of your dad's about being weak and strong. I loved that! Can I use it with credit of course!

    1. Absolutely, Rena! I love it when people quote my dad! :)

  6. The floor gets harder to kneel on and it's harder getting up from it. I'm fortunate that my mother never made me scrub the floor the way my mother in law was made to by her mother. And I admit, I am a terrible housekeeper. I shudder to think what my biome is like.

  7. Floors, especially vacuuming, are a pill, since someone is going to walk on them and dirty them again the next moment. Since i'm not performing surgery on them, a sweep and a mop and let's move on, shall we?

  8. Diane and Mimi - your poems are great (again) and say so eloquently how I feel about cleaning. I tried several times to leave comments for both of you yesterday, but alas there seemed to be gremlins at work again. I hope you manage to pick up on this comment. Here's my poem:

    What a bore
    Such a chore
    It just doesn’t thrill me at all
    I’ll do all the washing, the ironing too
    I’ll clean out the drains and I’ll scrub up the loo
    I’ll bake you a pie or a cake
    I’ll clean up the mess that you make
    I’ll sweep all the floors and I’ll paint all the doors
    But that kind of chore I’ll ignore!

    So alas
    Please don’t ask
    Me to take on this horrible task
    I’ll bring in the washing when it’s raining hard
    I’ll cook and I’ll vac’ and I’ll muck out the yard
    But please don’t expect me to mend
    Anything broken or bent
    Because I can’t do it, my fingers eschew it
    That boring old chore I abhor!

    Do not bring
    Me a thing
    That’s broken or run out of ‘bling’
    I’d just bodge it and bash it until it looks sadder
    And your persistence is making me madder
    Just take it away I implore
    Before I just throw out the door
    That old broken thing and your glue and your string
    ‘Cos I won’t do that chore anymore!

    1. Hahahaha! This is great! I have to admit, I'm not much of a 'fixer' either. (Sometime, I'll tell you about the toaster...) I leave that to Mr. Fix-It, my Husby!

    2. Ohh nice poem, well written, witty and even a bit of a cliff hanger. I wish you lived closer. I'm a take-it-apart-and-put-it-together-so-that-it-works again kind of person, and love to do it, whereas anything clothes-related from sorting (least bad) over hanging out (medium except in frost = worse) to buttonholes (worst). THedn we could help one another out :)


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