Thursday, January 21, 2021

To Smile is to...

Today, I`m thinking about smiles.
I love smiles.
Smiles make you feel good.
They cross all language barriers.
And ages.
One of the first milestones we watch for in a newborn baby is that first smile.
 A smile from someone in nasty traffic is a sure-fire way to put the sun back in the sky and help you relax.
A smile is wonderful news.
A smile is friendship.
A smile is love.
But smiles are weird.
Can you think of any other species that shows its teeth (Or gums. Remember the baby…) as a sign of friendliness and/or encouragement?
Okay, I’ve seen a few dogs, cats and horses and even a couple of bears use their teeth in an ‘affectionate’ gesture of correction toward their young.
Well I assumed it was affectionate.
But seriously, who figured out that smiling was a sure fire way to say, “Hello! I’m so happy to know you! I hope you have a great day!”
It must have started somewhere.
At some point in time, someone said to themselves: I’m going to show my teeth to those people as a sign that I really like them.
See what I mean?

P.S. I did have a dog that smiled. Muffy. (She of the long, shaggy hair and the wiggly bum and the heart of sweet, sweet marshmallow.) She really smiled. But one day, when she was in the yard and I wasn’t, she smiled at the letter carrier, who then called her supervisor to report a vicious dog.
Yep. Smiles are weird.


  1. I just did a search for "do any other animals besides humans smile" smile and I came up with the information that some primates smile. Not only that but both apes and rats have been known to laugh. No idea what that all means but passing it along.

  2. That poor letter carrier. I feel for anyone who cannot recognise and is frightened by a smile. Even a toothy smile.

  3. There's probably been research on this, i think i remember reading something about how we show our teeth as a sign of both friendliness and that we are a bit nervous about it and want the other to know we are not defenseless.

    Of course, sometimes social scientists aren't sure, either, when they study this stuff.

  4. What's weird, is how long it's been since I've visited your website Diane! You always bring a fresh perspective on life! Hope you and your family have all been well. <3

  5. Some smiles may be weird, but all smiles are wonderful.


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