Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Looking At It


They had all been at their cousin’s birthday party.

It had been a much-anticipated opportunity for fun and games.
And had delivered on every level.
They had played in the pool.
Dashed through the sprinklers.
Had a water fight.
Screamed and laughed through several games.
Gorged on food and treats.
Sang and stuffed their faces with rich, gooey birthday cake and meltingly-creamy and delicious ice cream.
Tired, but entirely satisfied, they were lined up, ready to go home.
It was then they received the last perfect surprise to what had been a perfect day.
A large, loaded—identical—treat bag.
Brimming with anticipation, they dashed out to their car and their waiting Mama.
Submitted to the mundane but necessary process of seating and buckling.
Then, at last, the opening of that last hurrah.
That sweet, final cap on the day.
The icing on the cake, so to speak.
Sister dipped in her hand and emerged, holding a large, hand-frosted cookie.
“I got a flower!” she exclaimed.
Brother did the same.
Pulled out the same.
 “I got a flower, too!”
Little sister reaching eagerly into her bag of treats.
Grabbed her flower cookie by the other end and pulled it out and held it aloft excitedly.
“I got a squid!”
It’s all in how you look at it.


  1. LOL, it is indeed. And that's a perfect reminder of how, after all we've been through both on the planet and in my country, it may be time to turn that cookie upside down and look at it another way (so to speak).

  2. When they say "out of the mouths of babes" ... they are right. Always a lesson. Almost always wise!

  3. I'm just trying to picture what a squid looks like. An octopus, certainly ... but where would a little tyke have come across a squid? Quite the vocabulary. Maybe the next writer in your family?

  4. So sweet. Yes, perception is everything!

  5. And the flowers and the squid were equally delicious - and appreciated.

  6. It really is a different way of looking at something - when in doubt, turn it upside down!

  7. Heeheehee! The glass is half full, half empty, the wrong size, or too big for the job, right?


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