Friday, March 26, 2021

Hobbying Along


I’ve had some hobbies in my life,

They gave me calm from daily strife,

But through the years, those hobbies changed,

Through different genres, they did range.


When I was very, very young,

My hobbies, largely, were unsung,

Consisted of my toys. And me,

Of horseback riding, scraping knees,


Then, when I was ‘bout 8 or so,  

I changed things up, began to grow,

Discovered Nancy Drew. And books,

And Lego building had me hooked.


My horses took a larger role,

Chasing cows and bending poles,

And books and writing (when indoors

And finished with the daily chores).


When I was wed, what a surprise,

To find that cooking for my guy,

Was something that I liked to do,

From roasts of beef to chicken stew.


Then, with our babies, we soon found,

To associ-ate kept us spellbound,

And nothing mattered more than they.

That ‘hobbie’ surely made our days!

For them, I learned to knit and sew,

Days filled with crafts and punching dough,

Observing Big Bird on ‘The Street’,

With snuggle hugs and kisses sweet.


But they all grew, as children do,

Married, moved, bid us adieu,

And so my hobbies morphed again,

To writing books—of joy. Or pain.


These days, I write, or read, or bake,

Still have Lego, puzzles make,

Play games with Husby, movies, too,

(With caution, sometimes watch the news.)


But we’ve discovered something great,

A fad to which we both relate,

It takes a coat and comfy shoes,

And paths along which you can cruise.


Yes, walking is our passion, new,

We take our Pandy, see the views,

And as we walk and breathe fresh air,

We solve the world’s problems there.


At times, it is especially fine

With our sweet grandkids, so divine,

We take them places we have been,

And show them things that we have seen.


Though my hobbies morphed therein,

Dependent on the time I’m in,

My fav-ou-rites, I do avow,

Are the ones that I am doing now!

Each month from Karen, we accept,

A challenge to our gifts adept,

A theme she gives, a poem we craft,

Write draft on draft on draft on draft.

(Please, I’m just kidding, one’s enough

To prove that we’ve all got The Stuff.)

So now we all present to you

What we have made for your review!

Karen at Baking in a Tornado

Mimi at Messymimismenaderings


  1. My favorite hobby (of yours) is your writing. So glad not only that you keep me amused, but it's how we "met."

  2. I couldn't begin to list my hobbies as well as you have, much less in poetry form. I love this! (And almost all of your hobbies, too!)

  3. I so enjoy your rhyming hobbies. And your poetry in general.

  4. Love your hobbies. Reading has been mine for most of my life and I am endlessly grateful to writers.

  5. You did a great job with this topic, and now that you've put me on the list, i may have to start participating (although i don't know how i can add more to what i do already!).


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