Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Melty Deliciousness

                                                          The Pass Dairy as it looks today. 

My Father-in-Law (hereinafter known as FIL) loved ice cream.
Maybe I should re-word.
My FIL LOVED ice cream.
Nearly every meal ended with the creamy deliciousness.
No matter how large the portions had been.
In his words: “Ice cream just melts and goes in the cracks.”
Snack times must always include some form of the treat.
If one was traveling, one could always find someone, somewhere, who could provide a scoop or a spiral.
And that is where this story starts . . .
FIL knew the best places in all of Southern Alberta to buy ice cream.
He would be driving and suddenly turn off the main road.
When questioned, the answer inevitably contained some form of the words: Ice cream. And Need. Some. Right. Now.
Many, many places catered happily (and satisfactorily) to his passion.
But his particular favourite was The Pass Dairy.
In the Crowsnest Pass.
More specifically in the town of Bellevue in the Crowsnest Pass.
For a dollar, they would give you an ice cream cone that was truly heroic in size.
In fact, they took pride in the fact that theirs was the largest, best cone anywhere.
Something FIL challenged them on regularly.
On this particular day, he had gone into the little shop.
And emerged with a cone piled high with a perfect spiral of soft, melting deliciousness.
I think we could properly insert the word: Massive.
Mother-in-Law stared at it, wide-eyed. “Ray,” she said. “If you eat all that, you’ll be sick!”
FIL just looked at her and smiled. “You know better than that!”
He was right. 


  1. I love any ice cream, but when it's purchased from a dairy store it always seems the best. So, does "it just melts and goes in the cracks" mean there are no calories in ice cream?

  2. Now I long for summer and iocecream. You have had some truly remarkable family members.

  3. Not for me. Icecream just doesn't float my boat. I might have some once or twice a year. Or I might not.

  4. Love the phrase "melty deliciousness." Makes me crave ice cream!

  5. Summer equals ice cream and I'm so happy to live in a dairy part of my state. Ah, that melty deliciousness. Sadly, ice cream where I live has calories, and lots of them.

  6. Oh, now i want some! Goes in the cracks, that's an excellent description.


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