Monday, March 8, 2021

Mr. Nasty

Today is Be Nasty Day! Let's celebrate! ;)

Horace P. Flee was the Frump Village grump,
No loveliness in his demeanour,
He lived all alone near the old county dump,
Developed his skills as a screamer.

Whenever he heard just so much as a bump,
His head would pop out of the door,
With a noise that would make almost everyone jump
His displeasure well underscored.

One day to the village known solely as Frump,
(Don’t think it’s for fashion expression!)
Came a strong-minded widow, quite pretty and plump,
With her children that numbered eleven.

Now, when moving, one’s household goods come in a clump
And are carefully sorted out later.
And necessitate more than one trip to the dump,
As they separate lessor from greater.

Now, Horace P. Flee, that old village grump
Wasn’t happy with all of the noise.
So he shouted out something that made them all jump,
Just to silence those girls and those boys.

Then Abigail, she who was pretty and plump,
But possessed of a lively, bright spirit,
A piece of her mind, she gave that village grump,
And forced him to stand there and hear it.

Then something strange happened that day at the dump,
With all of those parties together,
For Horace’s heart hit his shoes with a thump,
While Abby’s beat light as a feather.

Their marriage was viewed by the Village of Frump,
With the two of them there in the heather,
The minister stood on a great old tree stump,
With a smile, he joined them together.

Now the villagers using the Frump Village dump,
(I know this will just make you smile!)
Find the happy noise now from the home of the ‘grump’,
Can be heard for full many a mile!

Horace P. Flee was the Frump Village grump,
Until life with his Abby began,
When you least expect it, you’re knocked on your rump,
There’s a sweetheart for ev-er-y man!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

It will be small, but that's okay,
Next week we'll talk about 'Pi' day!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Be Nasty Day (March 8)
Pi(e) Day (what else would it be?) (March 15)
World Poetry Day (March 22)
Something on a Stick Day (March 29)
Read a Road Map Day (April 5)
Favorite invention (From Mimi) (April 12)
National Garlic Day (April 19)
The ocean or beach (From Mimi) (April 26)
The best thing about spring (From Mimi) (May 3)


  1. Oh, love it. You are so clever and yes, you made me smile - loudly. Thanks!

  2. Nothing like a good love story, even at the dump!

  3. Your poem made me hoot out loud, it is so funny and clever! Loved it. Here's mine. It came to my mind very easily - I wonder why?

    Tomorrow I’m going to be nasty
    I’m going to be really bad
    I’ll bawl and shriek up and down the street
    And drive the neighbours mad.

    Any dogs out there, and pussies,
    Need to be tough and as hard as nails
    ‘Cos if they are wimps or wussies
    I’ll chase them and pull their tails.

    I’m goin’ to be naughty tomorrow
    I’m gonna tear up this silly pink dress
    Gonna cut off my curls, stomp on these fake pearls,
    And run around in my knickers and vest.

    Miss Nasty will rule tomorrow
    I’ll be up to all my best tricks
    I’ll fill up your pockets with slugs and snails
    And over-eat ‘til I’m sick.

    Be wary of little Miss Nasty -
    Tomorrow is my special day
    For once in my life I’ll cause trouble and strife
    And make all you rotters pay!

    So when you wake up in the morning
    Just watch out for this little horror;
    Don’t forget I gave you fair warning -
    I’m gonna be NASTY tomorrer!

    1. This is brilliant - and made me think of Prince Tintac Ping Foo (from the Land of Green Ginger who said
      I am evil and wicked and bad,
      and behave like a pig to my mother,
      I'll knock out a tooth to prove I am uncouth,
      Keep still and I'll knock out another...

    2. ADORABLE! I'm fairly warned...tomorrow...

    3. Oh yes, this sounds like a fun way to celebrate your Be Nasty day. Good poem and thanks for the warning!

  4. Love your story of Ms Plump winning over Grump at Frump.

  5. God bless Abby. Every grump needs one.

    1. Oh yes, Laurie! Where would the world be without the Abbys!


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