Monday, March 15, 2021

Pi(e). Sigh

On March fourteenth, with happy grins
(And recipes and rolling pins)
Our fam-il-y made pies for all,
(For longer than we can recall),
Until that fateful day last year,
We called off ‘life’ mid death and fear,
And even now, a whole year late,
Though hopeful, we still cannot bake,
And so another year goes by
With nary e’en a smell of pi(e)!

Maybe a story will help me feel better...

When nurses train in Liverpool,

(An awesome place to go to school!)

Too broke, they are, for dining out,

Eat canteen food, or do without.

But sometimes, lucky they will be,

When visitors bring treats for tea,

Cause sometimes extras are bestowed,

On nurses there. (Some thanks to show.)

One day, appeared a lady, sweet,

Held in her hands a special treat,

A pie of pork, aroma fine,

‘Twas clearly meant for some to dine!

The lady held this great pie up,

Said, “Could you ladies ‘eat this up?”

The nurses, all, were very glad,

To keep this pie from going bad.

With appetite, they did succumb,

Devoured it to the last crumb.

Then satisfied, they sat and talked,

When sudden, in the lady walked,

The nurses smiled, a welcome sight,

Tried to thank her just a mite,

She stopped them with a wave and smile,

Said, “I thought it’d take a while,

“But did you ‘eat the pie I brought?

“I’ll take it now if it is ‘ot!”

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week a tribute, while we play,
We’ll talk of World Poetry Day!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Pi(e) Day (what else would it be?) (March 15)
World Poetry Day (March 22)
Something on a Stick Day (March 29)
Read a Road Map Day (April 5)
Favorite invention (From Mimi) (April 12)
National Garlic Day (April 19)
The ocean or beach (From Mimi) (April 26)
The best thing about spring (From Mimi) (May 3)



  1. Pies and poetry are good company. And as always you made it fun and worthwile to read.

    1. Thank you, Charlotte! And I agree... They are good company!

  2. Oh, such good poems, Diane, and they both made me smile a lot. I really struggled with this theme and I've managed just two verses which ideally should have been separated by a middle verse, I think. But sadly, this is all I could manage:

    In the US today’s ‘National Pi Day’
    First celebrated by one Larry Shaw*
    When he and his mates took some pies and plates
    And paraded round Explorator-
    ium’s grounds; in a circle they marched
    And in order to celebrate
    The big Pi and its links to the circle
    They linked Pi to their pies, which they ate.

    Three cheers to Larry and colleagues
    Who were not only witty, but wise
    ‘Cos now every year on 15th March
    We celebrate Pi through the eating of pies!
    (What’s not to like?)

    * in 1988 Larry Shaw, a physicist at San Francisco’s Exploratorium instigated a parade
    Of his colleagues, all marching whilst eating pies, to honour the mathematical constant: Pi.
    (from Wikipedia|)

    1. A-ha! I never knew where the custom came from. Our son-in-law introduced us to it some 17 years ago, knowing our family's penchant for pie!
      Well done, SBM!

    2. Wonderful, combining fun and history!

  3. I thought about making a pie for 3/14. But I didn't follow through. Thanks for sharing your photo of those yummy pie -- and for sharing your poetry.

    1. You are so welcome, Karen! And thank you for visiting! ;)

  4. Britain has great pies. Hope those tired nurses enjoyed theirs!

  5. My husband is making stew right now. Making me think about the pie and the nurses. Thanks.

    1. Mmmm.... Stew and pie just go together!
      My family is now discussing the possibility of Pi(e) night for 2022. We're thinking we should re-enact the pie fight scene from The Great Race to let off steam!

  6. Oooh, I love a surprise ending. Pi Day. I thought of you, Diane, and how your family loves those pies. It must have been so hard for you! Let's hope for 2022.

    1. We are definitely looking forward to 2022! That will be the reinstating of Pi(e) Day for sure!

  7. Oh, but you should have made a pie for the family at least. No reason not to do that. Oh, well. Yes, i know it's not the same.

    That 'eat the pie, is it 'ot yet is funny, but not to the lady in question.

    1. We did make a pie for the family, Mimi. Apple. And yummy. But it just isn't the same somehow... :(

  8. oh, someone else said what I was going to about baking just for yourselves. Definitely not the same as dozens milling about sharing slices, but still, pie on Pi day :)


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