Monday, April 19, 2021

Eat. Drink. Stink.

Cause Garlic is an awesome herb with benefits galore,

It’s nutritious, but adds flavour and detoxifies and more!

Improves bone health, low calories, while tasting oh, so grand,

May lower risk of heart disease, (I’ve learned this one firsthand!)

It combats ‘bugs’, dementia, may even help with sports!

Reduces pressure, lengthens life—according to reports.

And so, because it’s helpful and would n’er our health betray,

We’re joining here together: Giving GARLIC its own day…


My dog ate all my garlic; he thinks it tastes just right,

But now you have to understand, his bark’s worse than his bite!


Some garlic in a salad left poor ‘Drac’ without a pray-er,

Another victim of Buffet: the Vam-pire Slay-er.


There is a garlic diet, makes you smell from breath and skin,

You don’t lose much, but face it, from a distance, you look thin!


I do garlic magic! First I crush a clove or so,

Add basil, parmesan and oil and blend and shout, “Pesto!”


If you were raised by garlic, from your toes up to your head,

You’re justified in saying that: You are ‘garlic bred’.


At lunch, we two were in dispute, another friend stopped by,

He took all of our garlic bread. Wish he’d stop taking sides!


How’d the Hipster burn his mouth? (I’ll take you now to school…)

Well, he tried eating garlic bread…before it was cool.


Where do garlics go to drink? The sal-ad bar.

Why’s the garlic naked? No cloves left. I’ve gone too far…


A recipe for garlic toast: (I’ll stop, though I’ve had fun!)

Just raise a glass to everything that garlic’s done!

Photo Credit: Karen of

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we’ll have to dream a bit

As on the beach we try to sit!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?

We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
National Garlic Day (April 19) Today!
The ocean or beach (From Mimi) (April 26)
The best thing about spring (From Mimi) (May 3)

Lost Sock Memorial Day. (May 10)
The anniversary of the patent of the rubber band. (May 17)
Favorite breakfast (May 24)
Memorial Day (May 31)
Best Friends Day (from June 8) (June 7)
Monkey Around Day (June 14)
Fathers (June 21)
Bubbles (June 28)



  1. Well, I knew it's National Volunteer Week, but I didn't know it's National Garlic Day! Key to remember: never eat garlic before you go out volunteering! I hope you enjoy the day. I enjoyed your poem!

  2. This brings back memories. When Hubs and I were dating we had a favorite restaurant that did a table-side Caesar salad. We loved it, but had garlic coming out of our pores for the rest of the night.

  3. Knew garlic was healthy, but didn't know it was that healthy. Fantastic. The thought of garlic bread is a happy one.

  4. You are so funny, Diane! I particularly like this stanza:

    If you were raised by garlic, from your toes up to your head,

    You’re justified in saying that: You are ‘garlic bred’.

  5. Garlig puns in the form of rhyme. I love this. And I bow to the master. My humble verse is here:

  6. Well, you certainly packed a lot into this one, Dianne! I love the stanza about the dog.
    Mine is much shorter, and more about just garlic than National Garlic Day:

    Wild Garlic (Ramsons)

    Wild garlic grows in our garden
    In a patch beside the pond
    We didn’t plant it - it just appeared
    And now it is growing strong.
    At first the strappy green leaves push forth
    Followed by white starry flowers
    And the scent (or the pong) grows strong and distinct
    Following April showers.

    We don’t get from our ramsons the fat garlic bulbs
    Often used in culinary dishes
    ‘Though pesto’s easy to make by just using the leaves
    As a replacement for basil, if one wishes.
    So with our ransoms our culinary skills are inclined
    To one dish, and that dish is pasta
    With a garlicky-tasting pesto sauce
    Cooked in minutes - and eaten much faster!

  7. Love it - the bulb, the leaves and the tributes.

  8. Like Karen, there was a restaurant in Chicago that made a salad at the table. Garlic was always a must. But I do retain it, so try to abstain when at a party.

  9. I think we ate in a restaurant in Portland, Oregon years ago that made that salad at your table. was that a 70's thing, I wonder? (This was in the late 70's). My husband is garlic bred. My family never used it so I was introduced to it in my late teens by future hubbie, and have never looked back. What would life be without garlic?

  10. Heeheehee! Wonderful, i giggled through the whole thing.

  11. I love garlic. My whole family loves garlic, except both my exes. I like your poem too.


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