Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Papa Preparation

 I’m working on a new book! My Mom’s memoirs: glimpses of a rancher’s wife—wife-ing and mother-ing on the vast Southern Alberta prairies. Told through her letters. Today’s is an excerpt. Enjoy!

[Please note: Blogger won't allow me to edit, so the 'letter' format doesn't work right. Just know this is supposed to be a letter!]

 November 29, 1953   Dearest Mark,   I don’t think a life of the care of children, or perhaps even the medical profession is for our Jerry. Oh, he definitely has the enthusiasm. 

He is very attentive to his new little brother. He’s always wanting to help me with the baby. Holding bottles. Or pins and diaper cream whenever I change the little diaper.

 And he seems to have a genius for diplomacy. I watched him a few days ago with Gerhard and Isa’s son, Ulrich, who tends to be quick-tempered. Ulie was really upset about something.

 Jerry simply stood back and waited for the storm to pass, then moved close again and quietly said, “Ulie, how about we do it this way.” Ulie went happily went along.


But there is one area in which he’s lacking. Yesterday, I laid the baby down on a blanket on the floor of the front room while I worked in the kitchen.


Jerry was nearby, playing quietly, but obviously keeping an unobtrusive eye on his little brother. Suddenly, quite breathless he came running into the kitchen. “Mom!” he shouted. “George . . .”


A pause as Jerry’s little stomach rebelled queasily and thoroughly over the floor, “. . . threw up!” See what I mean? Let’s agree to keep him far from bodily wastes.


At least until he can clean up his own messes. On a more positive note, I’ve pretty much decided I want to keep the refrigerator. The ice chest had its uses.


And, certainly, it was handy to have the ice so close to hand. But confess. Hauling it was a pain—especially trying to get it up out of the ice house.


Why is it that every strong male in the vicinity has somewhere far away to be when the women need some ice hauled? That is a critical question for the cosmos.


Anyways, I’m grateful for electricity. Even gladder that I have my ‘fridge.  Thank you!                Love, Enes                                                                                                                                                    P.S. The catalogue has amazing appliances that run on electricity. I’ll get back to you.


Today is a word challenge!

Once a month a number is declared and everyone scrambles to carve words adhering to that particular number into a document worthy of publication.

Okay, okay…Number chosen. Blogs written.

With me?

This month’s number was 31. And chosen by me!

(There is only one problem, my partner-in-crime posted yesterday. I am a day late—and most definitely a dollar short!)

Go now and see what the punctual member of our group posted!

Karen of Bakinginatornado

Mimi of Messymimismeanderings



  1. Although Jerry may not have chosen medicine or child care, his compassion and people skills started young, so there's definitely that.

  2. Jerry sounds like a natural diplomat. Your mother, she was a sound judge of human nature.

  3. Jerry was the diplomat, especially with Uhlie. He was more of a typical older brother as I grew older. We did a lot together but still got into a lot of sibling "contests."


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