Monday, May 24, 2021

Breakfast of Champion


Our ‘Favourite Breakfast’ theme this week,

Conjures something warm and meek,

But years ago, meant other things,

That made us kids (me!) feel like kings,

My mama cooked, you know it’s true,

Made things delicious, roast to stew,

Her breakfasts? Easily the best,

Made common tenants feel like guests,

But Saturdays, occasionally,

Were gifts to (age eight), sleepy me!

I’d miss the crowd at breakfast time,

Then make my own—Oh! How sublime!

My chocolate milk, with Mom, you know,

Two spoons of mix, then stir and go,

When on my own, the colour was,

My one condition, no faux pas,

More dark was better, sweeter, too,

Five teaspoons plus would get me through.

Then flakes of bran, that glorious food,

With creamy milk, then sweet imbued,

A generous layer—bottom, top,

I’d want to eat and never stop.

Yes, sugar was my main ingred…

A good deal more than e’er I’d need!

It’s fortunate those Saturdays,

Didn’t often come my way,

Yep. Mom’s good food did help me thrive,

The likely the reason I’m alive!

Photo Credit: Karen of
Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, come join us while we find...
Memorial Day is on our mind!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Favorite breakfast (May 24) Today!
Memorial Day (May 31)
Best Friends Day (from June 8) (June 7)
Monkey Around Day (June 14)
Fathers (June 21)
Bubbles (June 28)
Bikinis (July 5)
Cheer the Lonely (July 12)
Raspberry Cake Day (July 19)
Parents Day (July 26)


  1. So sweet. I loved chocolate milk as a kid too and especially the kind you spooned in!

  2. This brings back memories of Nestle Quik and, would you believe, orange juice on Alpha-Bits - the breakfast of choice when we kids were allowed to make our own :) Well done with those rhymes - you sure know how to fold, roll, cut and trim to make those words do exactly what you want!

    1. Jennyyyyyy! I am beyond happy to 'see' you here today!
      Ooh . . . my Gramma used to pour orange juice on her cereals. She would totally understand!
      I like folding, cutting, rolling and trimming words! I feel control! ;)

  3. I just love your description of your brakfast as a child. It stirs my memories.
    Chocolate milk .. on our packages are written (now, modern times): "Pour milk in the glas, then add powder. How much? Someone watching you? Two spoonfuls. Nobody watching? Five spoonfuls." Seems like you read this as a child; well so did I ;)

    1. Five? About right! We're kindred spirits, Charlotte!

  4. So sweet. And speaking of sweet, I loved my share of surgary cereal, but my fav wasn't bran, it was Shredded Wheat. With lots of added sugar. But no chocolate milk. Why didn't I think of that? Memories of Nesquick and Bosco!

    1. Mmm...shredded wheat with a thick layer of granulated yummyness on the top?! How could you go wrong?
      Those were definitely the days. I don’t even drink regular milk these days. Sigh.

  5. Oh, yum! Yes, i remember the rare occasion of being allowed to put as much sugar on as i wanted. Of course, it was always way more than too much, but at the time, what did i care?

    1. Right?! At eight I definitely wasn’t planning ahead! ;)


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