Monday, May 3, 2021

Buried Treasures

The theme this week is quite the thing,
It’s ‘What I love the most ‘bout Spring’!
What about this season makes me sing?
You have to know: It’s gardening!
A tray of nasturtiums, a little pink hoe,
The widest of smiles, almost ready to go!
She grabbed tiny gloves, in red boots, she was clad,
And three-year-old May went to garden with Dad.

Both daughter and Pop. In the dirt. On their knees.
Teased by a squirrel and the mischievous breeze,
They spent most an hour in the bright springtime sun,
Mom could tell by their glee, they were having such fun!

Soon the squeak of the latch and a “Mom!” at the door,
And the sound as her gloves and small boots hit the floor,
Then the tiptoe of little, sweet, tender pink feet,
‘Twas her May who was plying her brand of ‘discrete’.

She slipped up to Mom, and then peered all around,
“Mama!” she whispered, with hardly a sound,
“I was out helping Daddy. Watched all that he did!
“He buried the flowers. But I know where they‘re hid!”

Photo Credit: Karen of

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we’ll all pay tribute to,

All our lost socks, both old and new!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?

We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
The best thing about spring (From Mimi) (May 3) TODAY!

Lost Sock Memorial Day. (May 10)
The anniversary of the patent of the rubber band. (May 17)
Favorite breakfast (May 24)
Memorial Day (May 31)
Best Friends Day (from June 8) (June 7)
Monkey Around Day (June 14)
Fathers (June 21)
Bubbles (June 28)


  1. Oh. I love this! Yes gardening is wonderful. I'm off to bury some seeds ;)

  2. Seriously adorable and so clever. I love Mondays!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, EC! She's a grown up girl now. It's so fun to remember those tiny days!

  4. Such a sweet poem. Children sometimes say the cutest things, don't they?

    In the UK we are now starting to ease off on our current lockdown restrictions, and at last we can now meet up with family and friends to enjoy food and drinks together, out of doors and in our own gardens. I wrote this week's poem with this in mind.

    The song of a blackbird
    The chatter of sparrows
    The emergence from sheds
    Of mowers and wheelbarrows
    The fragrance of hyacinths
    The first sight of primroses
    The freshness and charm
    Of spring flower posies
    The bursting of buds
    The warmth of the sun
    The itch to go walking
    Without wellingtons on
    The meeting of friends
    In wide open spaces …
    But the best thing this Spring
    Is just seeing smiling faces.

    1. That's wonderful! It is a joy, isn't it, to be able to have some freedom now.

    2. This brought tears, SBM. The most beautiful things coming with the Spring!

  5. Beautiful, and precious. What a joyful day it will be for her when she realizes they won't stay hidden for long.

    1. Amazing, isn't it, how treasures just spring into sight?! ;)


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