Friday, May 28, 2021


 My eldest sister, sweet and kind,

So talented in deed and mind,

Has skills that never seem to end,

And some I cannot comprehend!

With all she does she still looks nice,

(I’ve noticed maybe once or twice.)

Cosmetics are her special gift,

To give her skin that crucial lift.

Morning routines, evening, too,

She knows how to apply the goo,

And look resplendent, glowing, young,

Till praises from our lips are sprung.

Those crèmes and gels to lave her face,

Her regimen requires space,

And one time when we two did roam,

Two bags she parked in our new 'home'.

A tiny one, with clothes and such,

This trip would not require much,

The other, larger, she did lug,

“Cosmetics.” She did happ’ly shrug.

I know her methods seem to work,

Her skin is glowing, hair so pert,

Make-up to show her features best,

With elegance, she clothes the rest.

I wouldn’t know which crème went where,

I’m lost with things for face and hair,

The one advantage I can see,

(Though I may resemble a banshee!)

But happily, when travel bound,

I’ve not so much to haul around!

Each month from Karen, we accept,

A challenge to our gifts adept,

A theme she gives, a poem we craft,

Write draft on draft on draft on draft.

(Please, I’m just kidding, one’s enough

To prove that we’ve all got The Stuff.)

So now we will present to you

What we have made for your review!

Karen at Baking in a Tornado


  1. You're very lucky, not just because you have less to haul around, but because you're beautiful just the way you are.

  2. I love your poem. I also travel light ;)

    1. Yep. You wouldn't find them charging us extra for our baggage, Charlotte!

  3. You put this so beautifully... it's funny, the more comfortable I become in my own skin, the less stuff I feel compelled to cover it with. <3

    1. Thank you! And I agree! Less is better!
      The older I get, the more it just feels like I'm smearing mud on my face!

  4. Smiling. I am with you. I dabbled in makeup (decades ago) but have left it far behind.

  5. I don't always travel life, but cosmetics don't take up much of what I carry around on a trip.

  6. Ah, i've always admired those who knew what they were doing with those oceans of lotions and potions, but i do not want to have to use them for myself.

    Excellent poem!

  7. I know a few women who know all the secret tricks to cosmetics, but I'm not one of them either. When I travel I take a comb and a toothbrush and two changes of underwear and socks. Well, when I USED to travel. Everything in a backpack with room to spare.

  8. Your poem made me smile this morning. I recognize women like your sister and more power to them! As for me, I'm a lot less high maintenance but I am who I am.


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