Friday, May 7, 2021

On Being ‘Honest’

Okay, yes. We're a work in progress . . .
I taught my children the moral lessons my parents taught me.
Now my children are teaching their children.
Sometimes, their success is . . . uncertain . . .
We were leaving church.
Our daughter and her daughter (hereinafter called HD) were recapping lessons learned that day in Sunday School.
“We learned about honesty!” HD said in her three-year-old, glass-shattering, there’s-a-lot-of-noise-in-this-hall voice.
“And what is honesty?” her mother asked.
She looked at her mother. “Mom!” she said. “It’s when you don’t show your knees. And you don’t show these!” With that last, she pulled down the bodice of her dress, flashing everyone who may have been within eye shot of their little family.
Approximately fifty or so people.
“Aaaah!” Her mother quickly pulled HD’s dress back into its original position. “I think you’re talking about ‘modesty’.
“Oh. Right. Modesty is when you don’t show your knees and you don’t show . . .” This time, her mother was able to anticipate the action and keep her daughter covered.
“. . . these.”
We’re not yet sure about her whole take on honesty.
But at least she has modesty . . . down.


  1. LOL, sometimes I wonder how we'd keep our sanity if we didn't have little ones around to make us laugh on a regular basis.

  2. Now THAT made me laugh out loud! Oh, if that were really what "honesty" meant... :-D

  3. Honesty, modesty...whatever. Oh, this was too funny!

  4. Heeheehee! She'll get it, eventually.

  5. Don't show your knees? So shorts must never be worn?

    1. She was talking about her Sunday dresses not being too short! ;)


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