Monday, June 28, 2021

Bubbled Over

I have a thing for bubbles, I could watch them constantly,

I love to see them, big or small, drift off away from me,

Sparkly iridescent—catching sunlight as they float,

They’re so carefree, and friendly-like, not angry, not remote,

And yet, their lives are short, they neither toil, nor do they spin,

But still make an impression—even adults sport a grin!

Sometimes, I’d like to be one, floating up so happily,

A shining, gleaming bubble all would recognize as me,

I’d fly across the neighbourhood, I’d never want to stop,

There’s just one thing, I hope that I would never have to ‘POP’! 

Photo Credit: Karen of
Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next Week's topic, what a blast!
Bikinis—YES—to clothe your . . . behind.

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Bubbles (June 28) Today!
Bikinis (July 5)
Cheer the Lonely (July 12)
Raspberry Cake Day (July 19)
Parents Day (July 26)
Ice Cream Sandwich Day (August 2)
Cats (August 9)
Tell a Joke (August 16)
Wind (August 23)
Monsters (August 30)
Shoes (September 6) From Mimi
Defy Superstition Day (September 13) Also from Mimi
Remembering 8-Tracks (September 20) Another Mimi


  1. I love bubbles too. There's something magical about them.

  2. I adore bubbles too. I am waiting anxiously for our winter to get cold enough to allow me to freeze them - which can prolong their lives for hours...

  3. I used to love blowing bubbles when my son was young. Not sure why I stopped after he grew older. I sure did love watching those bubbles. You brought back memories.

    1. I love to read and write poetry so I am glad I came across this post. On a side note, who doesn't like bubble? They bring out the happy little kid in all of us.

  4. I don't know anyone who doesn't love bubbles. I'm thinking of buying a bubble blow kit, so I can blow bubbles for the neighbour toddler who likes to walk around in my garden.

  5. Oh, I love your poem, and soap bubbles. I always swear to remember to freeze some, and always forget. Maybe this year thanks for hosting.

  6. Love it! Yes, it would be nice, sometimes, to float like a bubble, nice and carefree.


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