Thursday, July 15, 2021

Home to Meet Mama

While we’re on the subject of scary creatures . . .
It really only looked scary.
Maybe I should explain.
Husby played basketball.
Actually, Husby played basketball well. As did his teammates. 
Because of that, they were invited to many different tournaments.
But that has nothing to do with this story...
Hmmm... Wait. He was away playing basketball for the weekend. While there, he found a great store that sold neat things.
He bought something.
I guess basketball has a little bit to do with the story.
Moving on . . .
The something he bought was a snake.
A large snake.
He thought it was cool.
When packing up from their tournament, he stuffed said snake into his backpack and headed for the bus. 
The next morning, in a hurry, he dumped the gear from his ‘weekend’ backpack onto his bed to make way for his ‘going-to-school’ backpack.
Something stuck.
His new friend.
He pulled it out and gave it a toss among the other paraphernalia.
Then left.
Some hours later, another day of school behind him, he entered the front door of his family’s home.
And there was his mother. 
Now it wasn’t unusual for his mother to greet her sons at the door when they came home.
Usually it was a cheerful exchange of ‘how-was-your-day?’ or ‘anything-exciting-happen?’ followed immediately by ‘I’ve-been-baking-food’s-in-the-kitchen’.
Today was different.
She was sitting in the armchair.
In the semi-darkened living room.
Actually, ‘huddled’ would be a more accurate term.
Husby walked in. “Hi, Mom!”
She turned to look at him. For some seconds, she said nothing.
“What is that thing on your bed?”
Just FYI. When you bring a friend home from your weekend . . .
It’s probably best to tell your mom.


  1. Boys will be boys! My son had a couple of snakes. I wasn't thrilled.

  2. Snakes, spiders, trapdoors...

  3. Oh, dear. My #2 Son used to bring home snakes, but since i like snakes, i didn't mind. Well, except when he caught the poisonous one.


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