Thursday, July 22, 2021

Lights Out

Husby has always paid the bills in our home.
As a single income family and he the one earning the money, it seemed apropos.
He has also tried to convince his rather large family that we need to at least make a show of being economical.
It’s an uphill battle.
Lights are a biggie.
Because power is a biggie.
It isn’t unusual for one to hear – several times per day – the phrase, “You forgot to shut off the light!”
You’d think we’d learn.
Sometimes, though, the shoe is on the other foot.
With mixed results . . .
Husby and I were getting ready for bed.
Actually, he had already readied and was cozily cocooned and, I thought, drowsy.
I was a few minutes behind him.
I approached the closet wherein the change to pajamas would occur.
And noticed that he – the-mighty-earner-of-the-money-and-payer-of-the-bills – had left the light on.
My day (night) had come.
“You left the light on!” I said gleefully as I entered the closet.
I should probably mention here that some joker, when designing the closet, put the light switch on the outside.
No sooner had I closed the door, when the light went off.
Yeah. He thought it was pretty funny, too.


  1. Hee hee! I think we share the same husband!

  2. I think we do share the same husband. After 47 years, I reckon I still haven't learned to turn out the lights!

  3. You have a separate room for changing clothes? I'm a big fan of switching off lights and using only what I need. That's how I can afford to run the heating and cooling. Well, that's what I tell myself anyway.

  4. If you want to run every light in the house, live in a house with my Sweetie. His vision problems mean he needs lots of light, and is not shy about using it.

  5. My (then) wife and I came home from an outing one Saturday night and the house was lit up like Las Vegas. Every conceivable light was on; the back door wasn't even closed properly and there was no sign of the boys. The lights they couldn't leave on were my office and the master bedroom, both of which were secured by deadbolts. They got a talking to but I seriously doubt that it went anywhere...


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