Monday, July 19, 2021

Taking the Cake

Today, deliciousness, we’ll take,

We celebrate Raspberry Cake!

Wee Jack was a sparrow of common decent,

Not different from others that came and that went,

He loved looking for seeds in the trees, on the soil,

But for some, in particular, daily, he’d toil,

And what were those seeds that were best of them all?

The ones found in raspberries, plump, red and small.

To discover these seeds, all around our Jack went,

He thought they would fill all his re-qui-re-ments,

Then that day! During searching, he perched for a rest,

On the bannister outside some posh human nest.

He peeped through the glass as he rested out there,

Saw something that caused him to pause. And to stare,

For a human was carrying something quite grand,

That looked most intriguing in that human’s hands,

It was tall and looked frosted (like winter) with ice,

And from every layer, oozed raspberries. Nice!

It had his attention. Let’s leave it at that,

Picture Jack as he was, ‘gainst the window, pressed flat,

Just out of reach were those berries, alas

See him wiping a tear and then licking the glass.

Then he followed from window to window as they,

Tried to carry his raspberry ‘something’ away,

Then horror of horrors, he had to just sit,

And watch as they ate it. Not leaving a bit.

Now if sparrows could cry, you’d see Jack shed a few,

This was more than a sparrow could handle. Times two!

He watched in despair as they ate every crumb,

All his feathers were limp and the rest of him, numb,

Dejected, he leaned ‘gainst a small flower pot

Then he noticed a thing that, before, he had not,

The smallest of humans had left quite a bit

Of the magical raspberry-oozing comfit,

E’en better, the person who tidied the lot,

Threw it all in the trash, left not even a spot.

But Jack chuckled merrily, twitched an eyelid,

Cause he knew where those bags ended up, yes, he did.

Before he had time to give his beak a clack, 

That bag ended up in the can. Out in back.

With that sharp little beak and his needle-like claws,

Jack ripped that bag open. ‘Thout so much as a pause,

He jumped right on in, started stirring around,

I don’t have to tell you just what our Jack found…

Why that raspberry ‘stuff’, there is was, good as new,

So he pecked at those seeds and he started to chew,

Though those seeds were the one thing our Jackie adored, 

He realized something he hadn’t before,

The sweet ‘stuff’ they clung to was so tasty, too,

He nibbled a bit. Nibbled till he was through!

With the ‘stuff’ and those seeds safely housed in his tum,

Our Jackie went home and stretched out in the sun.

That wise little bird, he learned something that day,

Something we learn while just children. At play,

Raspberries? Delish when from bushes we take…

They taste even better when topping a cake!


Photo Credit: Karen of
Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we’ve something new to try...
It’s PARENT’s DAY, hope you’ll drop by!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Raspberry Cake Day (July 19) Today!
Parents Day (July 26)
Ice Cream Sandwich Day (August 2)
Cats (August 9)
Tell a Joke (August 16)
Wind (August 23)
Monsters (August 30)
Shoes (September 6) From Mimi
Defy Superstition Day (September 13) Also from Mimi
Remembering 8-Tracks (September 20) Another Mimi


  1. Oh, I see that poor sparrow Jack glued to the window panes. Thanks for a happy ending to this.
    Raspberries are indeed the very best for sparrow and owl alike.

  2. So happy little Jack got his treat! Got nervous he'd get stuck in that garbage bag, but Phew!

  3. You had me at raspberry cake. Definitely.

  4. Raspberry cake. Oh yes. But Jack can have the seeds. I'll save some for the sparrows next time we process raspberries!

  5. Yes, the only thing better than berries is berry cake. Well done!

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