Thursday, August 12, 2021

Fifty Day #1

Oh, how I admire the unabashed, unashamed innocence of the two year old…
Sweet little voice in the background during my and Daughter’s recent phone conversation: “What’cha doing Mama?”
“I’m talking on the phone, Quincy. Want to?”
Aren’t there times when you wish you, too, could be a ‘Quincy’?

 This is a word challenge from my good friend, Adela of Black Tortoise Press!

Care to share the fun?


  1. A good chuckle - if only we could (sometimes) maintain the unfiltered comments we make as young children.

  2. It would (sometimes) be lovely to be as focused and direct as a two year old.

  3. My second granddaughter is 2 1/2 and WOW what an adorable age!!

  4. Oh, yes, to be able to say what you mean and mean what you say and not care what anyone thinks about it, wow.


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