Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Former Maid Hits the Jackpot!

Diane Stringam Tolley, Fiction Reporter

Beaumont —   It’s true. Occasionally, everything just works out!


Daughter of a late, well-respected local businessman, Cindy was raised with wealth but had fallen on hard times.


Though we couldn’t get an interview with the girl, herself, neighbours report that she was unfailingly sweet and cheerful.


She had to work hard, but she did so willingly, her positive attitude a positive inspiration to co-workers.


“She was always so kind to all of us!” said one of her co-orders, known only as ‘Jack’.


“Y-y-yes!” another co-worker, Gus-Gus put in. “Even the new arrivals, like me. She treated us all real special!”


Her co-workers couldn’t comment on the exact order of events that lead to her good fortune, saying only:


“Everyone chipped in to make it possible. We were just so happy to help her. It was well-deserved!”


One co-worker, on condition of anonymity, hinted that Cindy’s life had not been very easy. Citing “Family troubles”.


“Apparently, she didn’t get along with immediate family members,” she said. “A surprise, because she was so sweet!


“We were all quite flabbergasted that she and the other female members of her family experienced such animosity.


“I guess it’s just a fact that not everyone, no matter how kind, gets along with everyone else!”

Apparently there had been a bit of consternation and some hair-pulling over an invitation to a much-anticipated party.


“But Cindy was made of tough stuff and determined to attend, despite hints of ‘unsuitability’ from her relatives.”


Those ‘female relatives’ appeared to have made Cindy’s attendance difficult—even conspiring to ruin a new party dress.


“She was quite distraught,” says our source. “Fortunately, I had the foresight to plan for such an event.


“I was able to provide our girl with something suitable—maybe even superior—as quick as a wink!”


And those efforts certainly paid off. Cindy made quite a remarkable—one could almost say a ‘royal’— impression.


“She had to leave before the party wound down, and in so-doing, lost a personal item or two…


“But still, when answering her co-workers questions, she was glowing with praise for the party and the organizers.”


Praise that she continued to spout, even as her regular work-a-day world was once again thrust upon her.


“I’ve got that in my pocket,” she is quoted as saying. Though some speculate she meant something else.


There was some mention of a dust-up over the return of her belongings by ensigns from party organizers,


But with what she had pocketed, all this was soon sorted and Cindy was quickly on her way.


Now a new life and a new home awaits her—along with a beautiful, budding romance (wink, wink)—


And all this reporter can think to say is: Hooray, Miss Cindy! With your co-workers, I congratulate you!


From cinders to a crown! Surely the stuff of magical fairy tales! Every woman's dream. Well...mine, anyways.

Today’s post is a writing challenge! Each month one of the participating bloggers pick a number between 12 and 50. All bloggers taking part that month are then challenged to write using that exact number of words in their post either once or multiple times. 


This month’s word count number is: 18

It was chosen by: Karen 


At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them out!


Baking In A Tornado

Messymimi’s Meanderings


  1. It's karma, good things come to good people.

  2. Smiling. And hoping she does live happily ever after.

    1. She is one determined girl—according to reports. She’ll make it so! ;)

  3. When the shoe fits...what a wonderful retelling. Go Cindy, go!

  4. Excellent story, good reporting! And i accidentally posted my Word Counters last week, i am really in a muddle lately with all of the trouble around here. Hope you and Karen can forgive me, i'm trying to get it all straight.

    1. Ohmyword, Mimi, there are no hard and fast rules! We’re just glad when you can participate! I missed that post! I’ll go back and look!


Thank you for visiting! Drop by again!