Friday, August 27, 2021

To Relax

We came to Banff, we always do,
We love it so, though it’s not new,
A chance to hike with kids and packs,
Play games and eat…and just RELAX!

We’re not as many as before,

Just 15 of our thirty-four,

With half the grandkids, (only nine),

But still a busy busy time!


We’ve toured the Bow in a canoe,

And hiked for hours not a few,

Climbed walls of stone and played some games,

Saw wildlife to loud acclaim.


We’ve talked and shopped and had such fun,

It’s sad to know we’re almost done,

This vacay’s built to its climax…

Soon we’ll go home,THEN we’ll RELAX!

Today's post was a challenge from the inimitable and totally awesome Karen at Baking in a Tornado

Visit her and see what she’s done with the theme!


  1. Relaxing or not, so glad you're there and having a fun vacation. Somehow I doubt you'll be relaxing much when you get back home though . . .

  2. I adored Banff and can't wait to go back!

  3. The 'I need a holiday after my holiday' syndrome is soooo familiar to many of us.

  4. When I was younger, I needed work to relax from my vacations. We learned our lesson...oh, around age 60 when we hit some kind of wall. I've never been to Banff, by the way - it's on my kind-of-bucket list.

  5. Only since the kids have grown enough to take care of themselves has there been relaxation time on vacation.


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