Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fifty Day #4

Today is Fifty Day!

And that means another challenge to tell a story using ONLY fifty words.

Thank you so much, Adela, for opening this new world to me . . .

The little girl had been struggling to produce…something.

Finally, with tear-filled eyes, she said, “I just can’t draw a heart!”

I smiled. “Gramma will do it for you.” With a pink marker, I drew an ‘almost’ heart. “Here, sweetheart!”

She handed it back. “Look, Gramma, I made you a heart!”

This is an uber-fun, uber-challenging exercise.
Join us!
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  1. Completely sweet. Like sweetheart is.

  2. So sweet and lovely, as only you can do.

  3. I'm guessing this really happened! (But it took great talent to tell the story in 50 words.)

    1. Totally a true story, Alana! I thought it was just so cute! My four-year-old granddaughter, Emma, with pens and paper and several abortive attempts at drawing a heart strewn about. I had no idea what it was she was trying to do until she handed it back to me with the biggest smile you ever saw!

  4. Yes, it came from her heart, so it was hers. So precious, they melt us, don't they.


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