Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Fifty Day #5


Gramma Tolley had bins of toys.


But the toy that everyone wanted? Fought over?

A necklace made of  spools. The kind that used to hold thread.

30 years have passed.

Recently my daughter presented me with a precious gift. All for myself.

I cried.

We’ve come full circle…

Today is Fifty Day!

And that means another challenge to tell a story using ONLY fifty words.

Thank you so much, Adela, for opening this new world to me . . .

This is an uber-fun, uber-challenging exercise.
Join us!

Leave your contribution in the comments...


  1. Spools, macaroni, even dried squash seeds - oh, those necklaces of childhood! Alana

  2. Cute idea. I'm sure I must have had one because my mother was a seamstress.

  3. It's the simple things in life, isn't it.


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