Sunday, September 26, 2021

Second BEST

It's that wonderful day of the month when I get to gather and share the Best of Boomer Bloggers!
I still have to pinch myself that I am included with these amazing writers!

First up is Carol Cassara:

Another easy but oh-so-scrumptious recipe from Carol Cassara at Carol A. Cassara, Writer, this week, suitable for company or a night in. Find it right here!

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Next is Laurie Stone:

Fall’s here in New England and Laurie Stone at Laurie Stone Writes couldn’t be happier. Yes, spring is lovely and summer’s fun. Even old man winter has his icy grandeur. But nothing compares to autumn’s beauty and majesty. And though this season comes at a price, she still loves it for these five reasons….

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And Rebecca Olkowski:

Has the pandemic or another reason made you feel socially isolated? It’s a problem many people are having especially older people. Rebecca Olkowski, with, talks about social isolation and how, if you are not careful, it can turn into loneliness or lack of confidence.

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Then Meryl Baer:

Some of us want to experience endless summers. Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin is not one of them. She lives in a land with four seasons. The transformation from summer to fall has begun, as she describes in this week’s post, Concert in the park…noting seasonal change.

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And Tom Sightings:

Tom from Sightings Over Sixty got a phone call last week from an old neighbor. The woman asked how they were doing, wished his wife a happy belated birthday. And then the woman blurted out: "We just sold our house!" Check out What Do They Do Now? to see the rest of the story. 

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 With Rita Robison:

Consumers spend about $47 a month on four streaming platforms such as Netflix, AppleTV+, and Hulu, reports Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist, in her article “Did You Enjoy the Emmys Sunday?” Check out Robison’s article to see what she recommends consumers do with all those subscriptions.

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And ME, Diane Stringam Tolley!

By this point in Diane's life, getting older has become less a surprise and more a fact. But adjusting to the constant inconsistencies takes concentration.
And a sense of humour! 
During one of her sleepless episodes following what was only a quick trip to the...erm...lavatory, she penned this.
With apologies to Lewis Carroll...

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And that's a wrap!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
See you next month, my beloved bloggers!


  1. Nice job on the blogger roundup. I'm glad you've joined our group.

  2. We're getting older? That's a surprise. I've always done a Bladderwalk!


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